Inflammation Can Cause Circadian Sleep Disorders: Study – Xinhua


CHICAGO, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) – The inflammation has unexpected effects on the function of the body clock and can lead to sleep disorders and shift work, according to a study of Northern Medicine -It is conducted in the mouse.

A genetic switch, to turn on and off inflammation in genetically modified mouse models. When the researchers turned off the inflammation, the mouse was unable to tell what time it was and was unable to keep a rest activity cycle intact.

This is the first time researchers see a link between what causes inflammation and what controls the body's clock.

In inflammatory diseases, the body experiences an excess of a genetic factor known as NF-kappa beta (NFKB), the study revealed. NFKB is a catalyst for a set of chain reactions, or pathway, that leads to pain and tissue destruction experienced by patients during inflammatory diseases. This same chain reaction catalyst also controls the body's clock.

"The NFKB modifies the central processor by which we indicate the time, and we now know that it is also essential for linking inflammation to rest activity patterns," he said. said lead author Joseph Bbad, a professor of medicine and director of the Center for Diabetes and Metabolism at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.

The findings also have implications for the diet and provide a detailed roadmap for understanding the fundamental mechanisms by which inflammation, including inflammation, occurs when a person consumes so much of his or her diet. chronic a diet high in fat and that other instigators are probably causing circadian disorders.

Scientists have sought to understand how a high-fat diet can affect the perception of time at the tissue level, explained the first author, Hee-Kyung Hong, endocrinology research badistant at Feinberg.

One of the reasons Western diet contributes to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers are thought to be the inappropriate trigger for inflammation. A unifying idea is therefore to say that the maintenance of time can be one of the links between diet and illness.

"We do not know the reasons, but this interaction between inflammation and clocks are not only relevant to understand how inflammation affects the brain and the sleep-wake cycle, but also how the Immune or fat cells work, "said Hong.

The study was published in the journal Genes & Development.

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