Influenza vaccine in children is dry in Maitland


Children are left in the cold when it comes to flu shots this year, with a mbadive shortage across Maitland and the rest of the country.

Several Maitland pharmacies have not been able to get their hands on flu shots.

Flu shots for patients at Priceline Pharmacy Place were snapped up in the fall, while The Levee's Terry White Chemmart could not get the children's flu shot this year.

"Normally, kids are fine, but we just can not take them," said Sangita Shah, Terry White Chemmart's pharmacist.

"There was a very, very big request."

Priceline had about 30 adult vaccines left on Wednesday and Terry White had only a handful, which Ms. Shah did not expect to last a long time.

Blooms The Maitland chemist in Stockland Green Hills is completely out of flu shots, after the last ones were purchased in early June.

Pharmacies Expecting to Get Another Adult Lot Next Month

Blooms Chemist Maitland Director, Di White, stated that there had been a mbadive spike in influenza vaccination after a recent television report that encouraged people to go out and get vaccinated

Diseases Vicky Sheppeard said that there was a national shortage of the flu vaccine provided by the Commonwealth, especially in the private market .

"All states and territories manage influenza vaccines carefully," said Dr. Sheppeard.

To date, NSW Health has distributed more than 2.2 million doses of influenza vaccines to general practitioners and other providers, about 50% more than the total amount dispensed in 2017.

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