Instagram Stories Gets New Questions Sticker, Allows Followers to Ask Questions


After the big announcement of IGTV that brought portrait videos to Instagram, the social networking application has now introduced another feature to increase engagement. Called the questions sticker, it will allow subscribers to submit questions that you can answer. Once you post the sticker questions in one of your stories, users can simply type a question in the box for you to see and answer. This feature has been deployed on both Android and iOS users with the latest update and should appear in the sticker tray of your Instagram application.

The issues sticker was spotted by some users last week. Instagram version 52 on iOS and Android. The question sticker is in the sticker tray, right next to the emoji slider that has also been launched recently. Once you have selected the question sticker, a small box will appear on your screen, and you can type a message for your subscribers inviting them to ask you questions. Once you post the story with the questions sticker, followers will be able to type the questions that they wish to ask you in the box, and you will receive them as notifications in your list of questions. spectators.

Subscribers can ask as many questions as they want through the questions sticker. You can choose the question you need to answer by typing it in the list of the story viewer, and the question you answer will appear on your story for the context. "Although you can see who has submitted each answer to your list of viewers where it is private, when you share that answer in your story, the photo and the user name of your follower will not be shown," says l & # 39; company. feature, Instagram has added another sticker in its tray to increase traction in the stories. There is an option to create a poll with the query cursor, and the emoji slider allows you to express your love for something that is shown in a story. Instagram Stories was launched last year to combat Snapchat's competition, and now both Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status features have 300 million daily active users (DAUs) – compared to 178 million of the same. 39, Snapchat users.

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