iOS 12 Public Beta 3: Blues Post-Prime Day

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But I do not remember having bought 25 Echo Dots! Julia Kuzenkov via Pexels

In what's becoming trendy, Apple gets out its latest iOS 12 Public beta test while we are recovering from the excesses of the previous day Public Beta 2 was a fireworks and barbecues, public beta 3 is when we look up and look at our records credit cards … and wish we are still asleep

right, this after-Prime Day, the best gift for your iDevice is 100% free (except for possible device erasure bugs, but good, is that the thrill is about, no?) Apple has released iOS 12 Public Beta 3 on Developer Beta 4 Heels.

For those of you who have followed my advice from do not activate automatic software updates as a challenge, you are already updated (or will be when you plug in your iDevice). to Settings> General> Software Update and launching the download.

While you wait, here is what has been corrected, what is still broken, and what's new for Public Beta 3.

What is fixed [19659008] Did you run out of hair because you could not get your Fortnite patch or your favorite Netflix show stopped broadcasting? Do not tear anymore. Both applications should now work as expected.

  • This drive route that vaporized in the end? He's back, baby!
  • If you are in the Calendar application, you can now be sure that the event you are watching is actually supposed to be that day.
  • You can register for FaceTime with your phone number
  • If you had problems with Screen Time and your child's devices, try again. With this update, Apple has fixed a series of bugs (but not all)
  • Spotlight search results will no longer unduly weigh the results of the Internet on the results of local devices.
  • Do you want to synchronize voice memos with iTunes? Now you can do exactly that.
  • What's Still Broken

    • See a non-localized language in a localized text? Yeah, that's always a problem.
    • iOS 12 still hates T-Mobile and will abandon calls by making Wi-Fi calls to its network. Oops
    • Screen Time data and usage data is still not synchronized between registered devices. "Picked Up" data can also be inflated due to synchronized devices.
    • Wallet opens. Wallet crash.

    What's New

    • Do you like to install applications? So this one will make you cringe. You may receive error messages when trying to install applications (so maybe download everything you want to test with iOS 12 before moving to Public Beta 3).
    • This is not your cell, it's your iPhone X.
    • Siri shortcuts may not work in CarPlay, on a HomePod, or when the device is locked.

    What's a Foil Hackers

    An interesting feature that I did not realize was a feature is the new USB 12 iOS security protocols. After getting trained, I jumped into the car, plugged my iPhone X into my CarPlay stereo as usual and inevitably groaned because it seemed to me that I needed to unlock it before I could l & # 39; use.

    This is not a bug, it's a feature. iOS 12 requires you to unlock your iDevice when you use a USB accessory after you have locked it for an hour. If this makes you crazy, you can disable the function by selecting Settings> FaceID and pbadword and activating USB Accessories . Be aware that this feature allows you to physically try to hack your device.

    If you are really paranoid, you can activate the option Clear Data which will clear your device after 10 unsuccessful access code attempts. Although I see the use case scenario for this option, I hate turning on anything that will automatically erase all data on my phone. I leave this for the moment.

    What's Next for iOS 12

    Well, my prediction "Every week a beta" did not work. So suppose we are going to calm down with Public Beta 3 until early August. Between July 30th and August 3rd, we'll see Public Beta 4.

    Take a look at the lists above. If any of these bugs seem to want to "calm you down", think twice before downloading the latest update. If you need to downgrade to iOS 11.4, follow my demotion guide.

    Everyone, keep reporting these bugs (just maybe do not look at your credit card bill before the arrival of Amazon boxes). >

    But I do not remember having bought 25 Echo Dots Julia Kuzenkov via Pexels

    In what is becoming a trend, Apple is releasing its latest test iOS 12 Public Beta then that we recover from the excesses of the previous day. Beta 2 was fireworks and barbecues at the back, Public Beta 3 is like we look up and look at our credit card statements … and wish we were still asleep.

    That's right, this post-Prime day, the best gift for your iDevice is 100% free (except for possible device erase bugs, but hey, that's what the thrill is about, no?). Apple released iOS 12 Public Beta 3 on the heels of Developer Beta 4.

    For those of you who took my advice not to activate automatic software updates as a challenge, you are already updated (or will be when you plug in your iDevice in). For everyone, go to Settings> General> Software Update and start the download.

    While you wait, here is what has been fixed, what is still busted and what's new. ] What's Resolved

    • Were you tearing your hair because you could not get your Fortnite fix or your favorite Netflix broadcast stopped streaming? Do not tear anymore. Both applications should now work as expected.
    • This drive route that vaporized in the end? He's back, baby!
    • If you are in the Calendar application, you can now be sure that the event you are watching is actually supposed to be that day.
    • You can register for FaceTime with your phone number
    • If you had problems with Screen Time and your child's devices, try again. With this update, Apple has fixed a series of bugs (but not all)
    • Spotlight search results will no longer unduly weigh the results of the Internet on the results of local devices.
    • Do you want to synchronize voice memos with iTunes? Now you can do exactly that.

    What's Still Broken

    • See a non-localized language in a localized text? Yeah, that's always a problem.
    • iOS 12 still hates T-Mobile and will abandon calls by making Wi-Fi calls to its network. Oops
    • Screen Time data and usage data is still not synchronized between registered devices. "Picked Up" data can also be inflated due to synchronized devices.
    • Wallet opens. Wallet crash.

    What's New

    • Do you like to install applications? So this one will make you cringe. You may receive error messages when trying to install applications (so maybe download everything you want to test with iOS 12 before moving to Public Beta 3).
    • This is not your cell, it's your iPhone X.
    • Siri shortcuts may not work in CarPlay, on a HomePod, or when the device is locked.

    What's a Foil Hackers

    An interesting feature that I did not realize was a feature is the new USB 12 iOS security protocols. After getting trained, I jumped into the car, plugged my iPhone X into my CarPlay stereo as usual and inevitably groaned because it seemed to me that I needed to unlock it before I could l & # 39; use.

    This is not a bug, it's a feature. iOS 12 requires you to unlock your iDevice when you use a USB accessory after you have locked it for an hour. If this makes you crazy, you can disable the function by selecting Settings> FaceID and pbadword and activating USB Accessories . Be aware that this feature allows you to physically try to hack your device.

    If you are really paranoid, you can activate the option Clear Data which will clear your device after 10 unsuccessful access code attempts. Although I see the use case scenario for this option, I hate turning on anything that will automatically erase all data on my phone. I leave this for the moment.

    What's Next for iOS 12

    Well, my prediction "Every week a beta" did not work. So suppose we are going to calm down with Public Beta 3 until early August. Between July 30th and August 3rd, we'll see Public Beta 4.

    Take a look at the lists above. If any of these bugs seem to want to "calm you down", think twice before downloading the latest update. If you have to downgrade to iOS 11.4, follow my demotion guide.

    Everyone, keep reporting these bugs (just maybe do not look at your credit card bill before the arrival of Amazon boxes). [ad_2]
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