Iran promises to prevent the United States from blocking oil exports | economic news


Iran promised Sunday to defeat US efforts to block its oil exports and warned the Saudi rival producer that it would never take Tehran's "place" in the international oil market. "We will surely do something to thwart the American rallying cry that Iranian oil (exports) must be curbed," said First Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri in statements broadcast on state television

" The Iranian government has a plan … and God willing we will be able The United States came out of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers in May and declared that they would reimpose economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic and its trading partners by November 4.

On Tuesday, a senior State Department official described tightening the noose on Tehran as "l & # 39; 39, one of our national security priorities. "

Officially savvy countries include China and India, who are major buyers of Iranian oil, they should stop buying crude before the date stop November or face US sanctions.

European countries have tried to negotiate exemptions for their companies, but the official confirmed that US President Donald Trump would respect his deadline. ] "We do not grant waivers," said the official.

– Not So Simple –

Jahangiri's Remarks Happened a Day After Trump Declared That King Salman of Saudi Arabia Accepted "I Just Spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that because of the turmoil and dysfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I ask Saudi Arabia to increase oil production, perhaps up to 39%. to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference, "Trump said in a tweet on Saturday.

"Price too high! He agreed!," Trump added.

Jahangiri said that it was not so "simple".

"They beg the Saudis to increase their production so that if the quota of Iran decreases, nothing happens to the markets" "In this battle, any country that tries to take the place Iran's oil market will be guilty of treason against Iran … and surely someday it will pay the price for this betrayal, "he said.

The Saudi official press agency confirmed a phone call between Trump and Salman about oil, but did not mention any details and the White House later took a more cautious tone, saying that the two leaders had reaffirmed their dedication to a

Tehran and Riyadh are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a cartel that manages the supply of the world market through production quotas in order to maintain the prices to the Member States.

Saudi Arabia is broken o OPEC members agreed, on June 22, to increase collective production by about one million barrels per day in a context where oil prices have reached about 20 million barrels a day. doubled from its 2016 low.

But members have not made the decision "to badign the level of production attributed to others," said Iran's Minister of Petroleum, Bijan Zangeneh, in a letter to the oil cartel published by the Shana News Agency. In naming Saudi Arabia, Zangeneh wrote that any "increase" in production by a member state "beyond the commitments stipulated in OPEC decisions … would constitute (a) a violation of

The letter calls on the President of OPEC to remind "member states" to "respect their commitments … and to refrain from any unilateral action undermining "Unity and independence" of OPEC.

Iran has the second largest gas reserve on the planet, after Russia, and the fourth largest source of oil, while Saudi Arabia is the world's largest exporter of oil.

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