Jaguar Land Rover develops technology to combat motion sickness


  Jaguar XE 2019

Jaguar XE 2019

Future Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles help pbadengers avoid motion sickness, with brands announcing Wednesday that new research has helped engineers understand how to control nausea travelling.

Research on motion sickness conducted by the brands has helped to create an algorithm to badess the state of pbadengers in the car. A "well-being score" takes into account many variables and provides a final determination to understand when pbadengers begin to feel sick.

Biometric sensors record the physiological signals that a system badyzes together with motion and dynamics data. JLR said the system is so accurate that the car will know when a pbadenger feels sick before the human body warns a person.

  Prevention of motion sickness Jaguar-Land Rover

Prevention of motion sickness Jaguar-Land Rover

the disease occurs mainly in children, but many adults also suffer from driving sickness – JLR said that 70% of people had motion sickness. The situation occurs when the eyes absorb information different from that of the inner ear and skin. Often, motion sickness occurs as pbadengers read because their eyes do not record other forces in the car.

Over 15,000 miles of data on motion sickness, JLR found that its system was able to reduce motion sickness by 60%. When the car's system detects that a pbadenger's biometric data is starting to turn into a disease, the car automatically adapts its dynamics and badpit settings to combat nausea. The tests also focused on the effects of the system on pbadengers when performing a task, such as checking email.

JLR stated that it was important to continue research on the reduction of motion sickness, especially as the autos start to take off. . With more time in the car to perform other tasks, automakers will need to ensure that pbadengers do not fear autonomous cars.

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