Jon Snow says farewell to Ghost and has Furious Game of Thrones fans


Warning: This post contains annotations for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4, "The Last of the Starks". If you do not want to know what's going on, get out of here!

There were many tragic moments in Game of Thrones Sunday night [RIP Missandei!] But for some viewers, The most disturbing moment was the way Jon Snow, unceremoniously, said goodbye to his wolf. Were, Ghost.

Ghost, you may remember, is the grandfather that Ned Stark gave to Jon Snow long ago in season 1. You'd think Jon would have some attachment to his trusty puppy – but apparently not, seen how he transferred it to Tormund Giants

About halfway through the episode, Tormund tells Jon that free people leave Winterfell to return to the Real Real, his homeland beyond wall.

"That's where you have to be," said Tormund.

"It's also here," Jon said, turning to Ghost. "A giant wolf does not have his place in the south. Do you want to bring it with you? He will be happier there. "

Jon bids farewell to Tormund, then to his friend Sam Tarly.As he's getting ready to leave, he pbades in front of a moaning ghost – AND GUARDED FOOT! Ghost hangs his head in sadness.I must say that it is heartbreaking and that I am not even a full-fledged dog.

During and after the broadcast of the episode, the viewers have used social media to complain about the farewell, or the absence of Jon and Ghost's farewell.

"It is clear that no writer has any dogs ", proclaims a Reddit trend thread.

" How is Jon not going to even talk to ghosts before leaving, knowing that he will never see him again, "DoctorHolliday wrote." Ghost literally comes to make war for you and he is supposed to have a connection with werewolves, but Jon is only nodding. "

" The best can not Do not even have your nose in your nose, "said another. 19659003] Many fans have expressed their anger on Twitter:

Ghost, I hope you will have a great life drinking the milk of a giant with Tormund. You deserve it, buddy.

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