Just two weeks of inactivity can trigger diabetic symptoms, according to a study


A lack of physical activity can have an impact on your health. It can lead to obesity, depression and can even trigger diabetic symptoms in at-risk patients, according to a new report.

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Researchers at McMaster University in Canada recently led a small study published in the Journals of Gerontology idleness can adversely affect insulin sensitivity.

To do this, they examined 22 overweight pre-diabetic adults aged 60 and over. They were asked to reduce their daily steps to no more than 1000 steps per day, which is equivalent to being confined to the house. The subjects' steps were measured with pedometers and specialized activity monitors, and the badysts tested their blood glucose and took blood samples during their two week inactive period.

After badyzing the results, they discovered that dormancy can accelerate the onset of the disease and increase blood sugar levels in people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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They found that the skeletal muscle mbad and strength of participants decreased in a few days and that some even suffered from insulin resistance, a common feature of type 2 diabetes.

They also noted that some adults did not recover fully. .

"We expected to find that study participants would become diabetic, but we were surprised to find that they were not returning to their healthy state when they returned to an activity normal, "said lead author Chris McGlory.

They said that their results indicate that seniors who experience periods of inactivity due to illness, hospitalization or bed rest, for example, are more likely to have "adverse consequences on their overall health ". expensive and often complicated, "co-author Stuart Phillips added." If people are going to be on their feet for an extended period, they must work actively to regain their ability to manage blood sugar. "[19459010]» RELATED: scientists may have found a way to reverse type 2 diabetes [19659013] [ad_2]
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