Mumbai: Hrithik Roshan-starrer "The Super 30" will be released as scheduled on July 26, manufacturers confirmed in the middle of the evening that its release date could be changed due to a clash with "Mental Hai Kya "from Kangana Ranaut. 19659002] "The release date of & # 39; Super 30 & # 39; do not change. The film will be released on the screens on July 26, 2019. "An article from the official Reliance Entertainment production banner on Twitter.
Shibashish Sarkar of Reliance Entertainment told IANS that" gossip has no merit "after 19659002] The buzz started after the release date of "Mental Hai Kya", which also includes Rajkummar Rao, was postponed from June 21 to July 26.
It almost reminds of a boxing clash. Opposition Office Hrithik and Kangana when its publication "Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi" was locked on January 25, when "Super 30" was to appear
But until "Super 30" was born date due to production work pending after director Vikas Bahl was named in the #MeToo movement, Kangana's "Manikarnika …" released to the public. This resulted in an exchange of lawsuits and mud splashing.
Kangana recommends that Kangana change the publication date of "Mental Hai Kya" to allow a box office confrontation with Hrithik. ] However, a statement on behalf of Balaji Motion Pictures stated that the decision had been made of "best box office prospects" for "Mental Hai Kya".
"The change in the release date is a decision made after the recommendations of distributors, business badysts and a high-level research team, keeping in mind other publications a week before and after that date. We were therefore advised to postpone the date of release of our film to July 26, only for commercial purposes.
"Knowing that a film was already released on that date, we have done everything for us other parties that there will be no slinging slinging and it will be a dignified release.We badure all other parties, "he said." 1965 "(Super9):" Super 30 "will see Hrithik play the role of math wizard, Anand Kumar, who teaches each year to 30 deserving and talented candidates the entrance exam for the Indian Institute of Technology. The actor was optimistic about playing a Bihar man and has a simple look for the film.
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