Keep talking about depression – The Hindu


"Watch a discussion about depression as you would for the LGBT movement," says Dr. Senthil Reddi, additional professor, Department of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bengaluru. "Many people have had different orientations for many years, but that 's only when important personalities allowed the movement as a whole to go forward and reach his legitimate conclusion: for people to be recognized, for their rights and privileges "

He says that celebrities have started the movement that is now carried by the heads of government, before being accepted at the national level. "Celebrities who have become spokespersons for depression or any other form of mental illness have been role models for people in recovery," he says. Reviving a discussion on the subject is important: Janet Jackson did it in her recent interview with Essence and Deepika Padukone does it for us today.

When you started the Live Love Laugh Foundation (TLLLF) three A few years ago, what was your vision and how did it evolve?

I wanted to reach as many lives as possible and do as much awareness as possible, and save people from what I was doing. through. Because simply identifying what you are going through, understanding it, and coping with it, is in itself an exhausting process. For me, to understand what I was going through was half the battle won. I wanted to make this process easier for people around me, who were living a similar experience. Awareness is the most important need of the process. I have lived with it for two or three months and it took me two weeks to identify it, but it was a divine intervention, because sometimes people tell me that it's a good thing. they have lived with it for years.

  Deepika Padukone at the 2018 Gala

Deepika Padukone at the Gala Met 2018
| Photo credit: AFP

What has been your mental health journey since 2014?

It's a constant process of taking care of yourself. So the experience has led to a lot of self-awareness and it allows me to keep a check on myself, my health, my breathing, my thoughts.

What tools did your doctors help you with?

I would avoid entering this space because they may be different for different people. But overall, a better lifestyle. From an urban perspective, the quality and number of people who sleep, the exercise or the thoughts on which our energies turn. For rural India, it would be very different. For me, exercise is not an option – it's a part of the lifestyle.

In retrospect, have you seen any obvious triggers?

No, it just came from nowhere. I was someone who took very good care of me. I had a good year; there was no need to have arrived. But that could be a thing or a lot of things. Today, when I give myself time for a few hours a day, I do not do it with guilt, because I know it comes from a place where I have to do it for myself. It's very important to do things for yourself, to take care of your health – I'm not just talking about physical health; mental health too.

Where do you plan to take The Live Love Laugh Foundation?

I think we are ready for the next phase and I see ourselves evolving. The field we work in will not change – awareness and stigma will take several years to disappear, but I think we have a global presence.

Good Communication

The Ministry of Health Family welfare is offended by a tweet about depression, describing it as a "state of humility that affects thinking, behavior, the feeling and feeling of well-being of a person. You have to take activities that keep it stimulated to cope with depression. "While everyone has been reluctant, it's not uncommon for people to say and do the wrong thing." Dr. Shyam Bhat, Trustee, Live Love Laugh Foundation, tells us what to say and do

What to say …

"I'm here for you. "

Tell them that they are not alone, tell them that you are there to support them

" This is not your fault. " ]

People with depression often feel inappropriate guilt and this can worsen anxiety.Remind them that it is not their fault, and as any medical condition, this can be treated and cured

"Can I help you with appointments of your therapist / doctor?"

In our country, people must seek professional help Alone, support your loved one to get professional help and remind them of their appointments, and support them in their journey of healing.

What not to say …

-> Do not use trivial or obvious statements like "Be Positive." A person with depression wants to be positive, she can not help feeling sad. Tell them to be "positive", it's like telling a person with a sprained ankle to stop limping and start running.

-> Depression is not a luxury, a weakness or a choice, so avoid the "Stop feeling sorry for yourself." Or worse: "Relax, have a drink and forget " [19659002] -> Approach with acceptance, compbadion, empathy and emotional support.

-> Listen without judging or trying to solve the problem. Listen to understand.

-> Encourage your loved one to get help. Help them see a psychiatrist or psychologist and support their treatment decisions.

-> Help them stick to some sort of daily routine. Spend time together at home, though he does not want to go out.

-> Take threats or casual mentions of death or suicide seriously. Do not badume that the person is trying to attract attention

What we should not do …

Advise a person with depression using his own personal experience

Depression is not just a pbading sadness. They will not be helped by motivational discussions. If a person has symptoms of depression, then professional help is needed

Ignoring suicide talk

About 10% of people with depression die by suicide, and nearly 90% of those with depression who commit suicide had a mood or other disorder. Do not be afraid to ask if you are concerned about the possibility of suicidal thoughts; talking about suicide does not plant the idea in the mind.

Discouraging professional help

Consulting a psychiatrist is neither shameful nor scary. We accept medical help for conditions such as diabetes or prolonged fever, and similarly, we must encourage the treatment of depression.

Persons in distress may call Sumaitri at 011-23389090 or Sneha Suicide Prevention Center at 044-24640050 [19659041] (Function (d, s, id) {
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