Kerala Health Minister KK Shailaja says districts affected by Nipah are free of the virus


The Kerala government declared Kozhikode and Malappuram released from the Nipah virus, which killed 17 people in both districts, reported PTI. State Health Minister KK Shailaja made the announcement during an event Sunday to congratulate the medical teams and volunteers who worked to contain the virus

"The Decision to Declare Both districts were free of nipah virus was taken by the government.New cases were reported after June 1, "said Shailaja.

The minister also congratulated Sajeesh, the husband of Lini Puthuserry, a 28-year-old nurse, who died of the viral infection. Puthuserry had contracted the virus while he was treating patients in a hospital.

Shailaja rewarded collectors from the districts of Kozhikode and Malapurram and the director of the Virology Institute of Manipal, G Arunkumar among others. Dr. AS Anoop Kumar from a city hospital received a special award for his efforts to identify and prevent the outbreak of the virus

Nipah is a virus that can be transferred from animals to humans . It causes fever and cold-like symptoms in its patients who rapidly evolve into encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain and myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart. There is no vaccine or cure for Nipah infections at this time.

On June 11, the state government lifted a travel notice that he had issued after the outbreak, and stated that he was sure to travel in n & # 39; Any part of Kerala. The educational institutions were reopened the same day.

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