Actress Kiara Advani of Bharat Ane Nenu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama is back in business in Bollywood after taking a short gap due to her commitments in the South. Kiara is now one of the most sought after actresses in Hindi, since she has prepared several movies for next year.
After completing Kabir Singh, Telugu's Hindi remake, Arjun Reddy, and Good News, which stars Akshay Kumar, Kiara signed two other projects. While one of them is the remake of Kanchana, the other is a Hindi film. In addition, she has approached some big films that are in its infancy.
The actress MS Dhoni researches various roles and sets her compensation at an affordable price for producers. So, they are ready to throw it in their movies. In the South, she has not signed yet after working with Ram Charan in VVR. She wants to easily balance her career in Bollywood and in the South.
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