Kimbho updated to Bolo Messenger, Patanjali says unofficial application


The Kimbho app from Patanjali, presented as the answer desi to WhatsApp, was silently updated for "Bolo Messenger". SK Tijarawala, Spokesperson for Patanjali Yogpeeth, tweeted that this is not the official rebranding of the Kimbho app, which will be released separately later with better features.

The application developer, Aditi Kamal, said that the app is now available for download on Android and will soon be rolled out to iOS users.

Bolo claims to be a "swadesi" app. "Apps like Whatsapp and Facebook not only sneak into our messages, but also influence our views and our choices of day and today. Let's unite to support swadesi platforms (sic ", says the website of the application. with the name Kimbho. The application was removed a day after its release.

Anonymous French hacker Elliot Alderson had reported the application for having several security flaws. He said that he could access the message of all users "This KimbhoApp is a joke, the next time Before making press releases, hire competent developers," he tweeted.

Manufacturers claim that the new application is private and secure "Every message is encrypted end-to-end using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

He had also claimed that the Kimbho application was a copy of An application called Bolo Messenger Alderson is known to report security vulnerabilities in many applications and sites.

The @KimbhoApp is a copy of another #application .Description and screen shots in application stores are the same.In addition, the application #Kimbho makes a request to bolomessenger [.] com

– Elliot Alderson (@ fs0c131y) May 31, 2018 [19659009]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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