Kit Harington fans raise more than $ 45,000 for a charity while staying in rehab: Reports | TV


A few days after Kit Harington was registered in a rehabilitation center, fans of the "Game of Thrones" star raised more than $ 45,000 for a charity he supports. According to Entertainment Weekly, fans of the series and Harington's character, Jon Snow, have created a JustGiving account for the Royal Mencap Society, a UK charity, which has already raised more than £ 36,000 towards a goal of £ 50,000 (approximately USD 45,600 on a US dollar). Target 63,000).

This combined picture of images released by HBO shows Kit Harington describing Jon Snow in "Game of Thrones".

In August 2017, the actor first approved Mencap, a company that works with people with intellectual disabilities. "Kit Harington has given so much to Game of Thrones fans over the last decade, playing the king in the north, Jon Snow. He absolutely did his best and we enjoyed every second reading we had with him. "This fundraiser is meant to show Kit that we are incredibly grateful to him for the love and expertise he has put to Jon Snow. To show our gratitude, Freefolk and other fans wish to contribute to the charity Mencap, which Kit has been supporting for several years. Mencap encourages people with intellectual disabilities to lead independent and fulfilling lives, "reads online.

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Harington, 32, a luxury A retirement for health in Connecticut to receive treatment for stress, burnout and alcohol consumption, a few weeks before the GoT final broadcast on May 19.

(This story was originally published from a stream of the news agency without change the title has been changed.)

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First publication:
02 Jun 2019 19h28 HIST

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