Leukemia diagnosis of Roman Reigns called an outbreak


Roman Reigns announced that he was suffering from leukemia. He had been treated 11 years ago, but the problem came back. He needed to give up WWE's universal title and focus on his health.

Personal trainer David Gonyea was really giving fans hope when he posted a photo with The Big Dog saying he was working on his return to WWE. The announcement of Reigns on WWE RAW this week only adds more excitement to this situation.

Gonyea declared on Instagram that Roman was still recovering and that he would not be in action for two months. He also moves slowly. It says, "Keep in mind what is leukemia … and that it was in remission, it was a critical push for which it needed treatment." "

It was also said that we lived in the era of the WWE, which belonged to the general public. They do not work against cancer. Let's hope that Roman Reigns will soon regain all his power. The fact that it appears on RAW this week is also an encouraging sign.

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