Linea Go, Loopesque 8, Leica Fotos and other amazing apps of the week


This week, we are using our iPhones to replace the missing screen of a $ 8,000 camera. We sketch on the screen with Linea Go and we breathe a sigh of relief to finally replace the terrifying new icon of the application Tweetbot 5. [[19659002] Linea Go

<img clbad = "wp-image-585378" . Title = "Linea Go manages to reduce the version of the iPad and keep it simple and fun to use." src = "" alt = ""

Linea Comes from veteran Mac and iOS developer, The Iconfactory, and shows how great it would be that the pencil Apple works with the iPhone

The application is easy to understand, but remains powerful. In fact, this balance between power and ease of use is so well achieved that you hardly notice it.

Not only is the brush motor a pleasure to use, even with a finger, the user interface has some smart keys that make the application super easy to use. For example,

the dot next to the pen icon indicates the size of the pen tip, but if you tap it, it scrolls the current sizes

Price : 2, $ 99

Download ]: Linea Go on the App Store (iOS)

Tweetbot 5

 Tweetbot now allows you to replace this new awesome icon. "Title =" Tweetbot now allows you to replace this new fearsome icon. "Src =" "width =" 2000 "height =" 1325 " /> [19659012] This is not new this week, but an update of one of the best Twitter apps on iOS has just added a very important new feature: you can now go back to the icon of the clbadic application instead of having to watch this new terrifying icon of Dystopian Duck.The team added in v5.0. </p>
<p>  This is in addition to the new alternative themes, which can be added and activated in the application via a "secret" in-app purchase. </p>
<p>  <strong> Price </strong>: $ 4.99 with integrated purchases <span id=

Downl oad : Tweetbot 5 on the App Store (iOS)

Leica Fotos

The Leica M10-D has the old school style.
Photo: Leica

Leica will now sell you a c $ 8,000 bitter without LCD screen. If you want to see your photos, you need to connect the camera to your iPhone via Wi-Fi and use the screen of your iPhone, via the Leica Fotos app. The Leica cameras are well built and the lenses fantastic, but the company is in a sort of nostalgic journey, bringing out compromised patterns, as if the film photography was better because it lacked modern camera features.

itself is practical though. It's universal, so you can view your photos on your iPad and it's designed to make sharing easy. One thing I do not like about using a "real" camera is that it's painful to edit and share photos. With Fotos, Leica lets you tweet your photos with ease.

The application is, fortunately, not $ 8,000

Price : Free

Download : Leica Photos on the # App Store (iOS)

Loope 8

<img clbad = "full-size alignnone wp-image-585652" title = "Loopesque 8 lets you mix your own loops like a DJ." Src = "" alt = ""

Loopesque is an all new version of the application, which mixes two different musical universes. You can drop music clips into small circles and loop them in time to create songs on the go. But the application is divided into two sections, like two recordings on the decks of a DJ. This allows you to crossfade between the two "card games", adding a nifty twist to the usual launcher-style clip application.

You can also use individual loops, cut and crush them as you go.

Price : Free with integrated purchases

Download : Loopesque 8 from the App Store (iOS)

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