Live Pokémon GO Party with new generation Pokémon 4, candy and a new legendary


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Pokemon GO Credit: Niantic

Updated: ] It's Live!

Pokémon GO is a candy collector game and so it's not really shocking that he's doing everything in his power for Halloween this year and every year The beginning of generation 3 and the previous year was the first event Pokémon GO .The developer, Niantic Labs, just raised the curtain of the event this year, which begins today at 1:00 pm Pacific time, and read more about all the bonuses and new features we will receive with the third Halloween event of Pokémon GO . [19659009] To begin, we have a double candy for all Poké My catches great thing, but no words about egg traps or the distance between two friends. This is good news for Generation 4 players, at least, because the combination of a double candy with a pinap bay can bring you 12 candies per capture. And this should make the next bonus a little more attractive: we also have a collection of Gen 4 Ghost and Dark-Type Poké my, including but not limited to, Drifloon and Stunky.

Halloween will also come with the first Ghost Legendary type game Poké game in the form of Giratina, a type of Ghost and Dragon type that, according to my predictions, would arrive a few weeks ago. This means that Mewtwo will be out of town tomorrow afternoon, so catch him as long as you still have the chance.

The real mystery here comes from our old friend, Professor Oak, who is apparently going to have some new special research to complete, which could be all kinds of things. The only two special search tasks we have had so far are related to the mythic Poké so my best choice is Dakrai, a mythical type 4 dark type of Generation 4 Poké . adapt the Halloween theme. That would mean that we are going to skip Jirachi from Generation 3, but I guess it will come with Tanabata next year. It may not be mythical either, but we will see.

In addition to that, we also receive new avatar elements, such as a Driftloon hat and a Gengar backpack. Love Gengar? Watch the love in Gengar. Overall, this sounds like a pretty big event, and certainly more than in 2017, when we saw the new Poké but not much else. Register tomorrow for more.


Pokemon GO Credit: Niantic

Update: This is live!

The Pokemon GO is a street game collecting candy, so it's not really shocking that this is a Halloween party this year and every year. "Last year's event saw the start of Generation 3 and the year before the first event Pokémon GO [19459034LedéveloppeurNianticLabsvientdeleverlerideaudel'événementdecetteannéequicommenceaujourd'huià13h00heureduPacifiqueetilyabeaucoupàfaireLisezlasuitepourconnaîtretouslesbonusettouteslesnouveautésquenousauronsavecletroisièmeévénementHalloweende Pokémon GO . [19659009] to begin, we have a double treat for all the monsters catch Poké but no word on hatches and the distance between two friends, new ones for those who complete Gen 4, at the same time oins, because the combination of a double candy with a Pinap berry can bring you a whopping 12 candies per take. And this should make the next bonus a little more attractive: we also have a collection of Gen 4 Ghost and Dark-Type Poké my, including but not limited to, Drifloon and Stunky.

Halloween will also come with the first Ghost Legendary type game Poké game in the form of Giratina, a type of Ghost and Dragon type that, according to my predictions, would arrive a few weeks ago. This means that Mewtwo will be away tomorrow afternoon, so catch him as long as you still have the chance.

The real mystery here comes from our old friend Professor, Professor Oak, who will apparently have some new special research to complete. , which could be all kinds of things. The only two special search tasks we have had so far are related to the mythic Poké and so my best choice is Dakrai, a mythical type 4 type 4 dark type of Gen4 who would have adapted the Halloween theme. That would mean that we are going to skip Jirachi from Generation 3, but I guess it will come with Tanabata next year. It may not be mythical either, but we will see.

In addition to that, we also receive new avatar elements, such as a Driftloon hat and a Gengar backpack. Love Gengar? Watch the love in Gengar. Overall, this sounds like a pretty big event, and certainly more than in 2017, when we saw the new Poké but not much else. See you tomorrow for more information.

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