Lurie Children's Hospital | Sun-Times file photo
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Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital Chicago has listed the top 10 pediatric hospitals in the country.
The ranking, published by U.S. News and World Report, was determined by three broad categories: clinical outcomes, such as maximizing survival and minimizing infection rates; comply with best medical practices; and care, such as providing appropriate staff and outpatient programs.
The report also includes lists of the best pediatric hospitals by specialty, such as cancer or cardiology.
Here is the complete list:
1. Boston Children's Hospital
2. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3. Philadelphia Children's Hospital
4. Texas Children's Hospital, Houston
5. National Children's Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
6. Los Angeles Children's Hospital
7. Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus (Ohio)
8. Johns Hopkins Children's Center, Baltimore
9. Colorado Children's Hospital, Aurora
10. Ann and Robert H. Lurie Chicago Children's Hospital
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