With prolonged sunshine and the happy sensations that brings a hot summer, more and more people are enjoying the outdoors.
While Somerset cooked under the sun, there was an increase in the potential to contract Lyme disease after walking. although fields and meadows.
BBC Countryfile was on Exmoor and pointed out the problem Sunday night (July 29th). To avoid contracting Lyme disease, we need to be more aware of ticks "content =" https://i2-prod.somersetlive.co.uk/incoming/article1839750.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0_Lyme-disease.jpg " />
To avoid contracting Lyme disease, we must be more aware of ticks (Image: NHS)
Symptoms of Lyme Disease
You can usually tell if you have the Lyme disease because you can have a red circular rash around a tick bite.
eruption taking up to three months to show after tick has bitten. Most rashes appear in the first four weeks and can last for several weeks.
It should be noted that all those who contract Lyme disease will not develop the rash, but they will present symptoms similar to those of the flu. :
high temperature, or feeling hot and shivering
muscle and joint pain
fatigue and loss of energy
Does Any Tick Stings are dangerous?
Fortunately no, it's just a small number of ticks infected with the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease.
A tick bite can only cause Lyme disease in humans if the tick has already bitten an infected animal, so the chances are minimal. It is important to know that the faster they can be safely removed, the better.
High-risk areas where you could find ticks are grbady, wooded areas, with the south-west being particularly favored by ticks.
How to Spot and Remove Ticks [19659008] You may not notice being bitten by a tick since they are painless, so the first time you may know it by seeing a tick on your skin .
If you were outdoors, especially in high-risk areas, it is best to regularly check your skin and that of your children or pets.
To remove a tick safely:
Use tweezers or a tick tool – you can buy them at some pharmacies.
Take the tick as close to the skin as possible.
Pull slowly upward, taking care not to crush or tamp the tick. Dispose of it when you have removed it
Clean the sting with antiseptic or soap and water.
How to remove ticks according to the NHS (Image: NHS)
The risk of falling ill is low. You do not need to do anything else unless you become sick.
Have you been bitten by a tick or contracted Lyme disease? Share your story with us by sending an email to [email protected].
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