Madhu Chopra, Priyanka Chopra's mother, unveils the reason why Siddharth canceled her marriage with Ishita


  Priyanka's mother reveals why Siddharth canceled her marriage

Priyanka's mother revealed why Siddharth canceled her marriage & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspInstagram

And everyone who suspected something between Siddharth Chopra, Priyanka Chopra's brother, and her fiancé Ishita Kumar, was unexpectedly fired and their roka photos disappeared from the Instagram account. Ishita, here is the truth. Things went well between the spouses until the roka ceremony that took place on February 27 in the presence of their two families. They had planned to get married during the last week of April. However, Siddharth eventually realized that he was still not ready for the wedding and that he needed more time before canceling the marriage with Ishita. This is what mother Madhu Chopra said, interacting with

Where, in his previous statement to Pinkvilla, Madhu Chopra had only confirmed that the marriage no longer took place. "They (Siddharth and Ishita) have desisted each other," she decided to clarify her statement with Spotboye: "My son Siddharth said that he was not yet ready for the wedding. explained that he needed more time. "

Below is the photo of Priyanka Chopra's brother Roka's ceremony

It is quite surprising that Siddharth took a step back at one point where he was so close to marriage, maybe in a few weeks. J. Not to mention this, it was the same in 2015, while he was preparing his marriage with his girlfriend at the time, Kanika Mathur, before she be canceled in one go.

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