Many Americans may have prediabetes and not know it


(HealthDay) – More than one-third of Americans have prediabetes, but 90% of them have ignore, according to medical experts.

November World Diabetes Day was celebrated on the 14th and the American Medical Association and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched a prediabetes awareness campaign and encouraged patients to find out if they had the disease .

"Prediabetes can often be reversed and Ann Albright, Ph.D., RD, Director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation, said in a WADA / CDC press release Type 2 diabetes by avoiding losing weight, eating healthier and being more physically active. "Men and women with prediabetes can reduce their risk when they participate in a national diabetes prevention program recognized by the CDC, scientifically proven programs to help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. "

The" I've got prediabetes "campaign is serving the public announcements broadcasting potentially prediabetic viewers and the Encouraging a one-minute online pre-diabetes risk test Those who score high should consult their physician to confirm the diagnosis of prediabetes and enroll in the CDC program. The campaign's website also offers tips on a healthy lifestyle and a link to a registry of more than 1,700 in-person and online programs recognized by the CDC nationally.

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