Mark Zuckerberg ordered all Facebook executives to use Android phones


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ordered his management team to use only Android phones, as the operating system had more users around the world. According to The of the New York Times the decision was made after Apple's chief executive Tim Cook blamed Facebook in an interview with MSNBC for being a service that deals "in your personal life".

In these comments Back in March, Cook rejected a question asking him what he would do if he was in the position of Zuckerberg in the face of the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal by saying, "I would not be in this situation". Zuckerberg replied shortly after in an interview with Recode that Cook's comments are "extremely simple" and "I think it's important that we do not have all the syndrome of Stockholm and the companies that work hard to accuse you more convince you that they care more about you. Because it seems ridiculous to me.

While it's unclear how Cook's aggressive remarks directly prompted Zuckerberg to order Android exclusively, it remains a rational decision to get Americans to use Android. Android is the dominant operating system in many areas other than the United States, including South America, Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia and parts of the world. Middle East.

It is also a good business decision. Other technology companies, such as Snap, have strongly encouraged workers to use an Android phone. American technicians tend to use these phones less, which creates a blind spot when working on applications. Android and iOS have real differences that could affect the development of applications and user experiences.

That said, we checked the Twitter activity of several Facebook officials, including David Marcus, head of the blockchain, and 'Boz' Bosworth 's VP of AR and VR, all of whom are shown that they are the only ones in the world. they still used iPhones. It is therefore possible that Zuckerberg's order is not not completely enforced or that these people are using all the iPhone in their personal lives.

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