Mediterranean diet is good for patients with osteoporosis, can reduce bone loss | aptitude


Eating a Mediterranean diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish, could reduce bone loss in people with osteoporosis , says a study from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is the first pan-European long-term clinical trial on the impact of a Mediterranean diet on bone health in the elderly.

"It is a particularly sensitive area for osteoporosis as bone loss in the femoral neck is often the cause of hip fracture, which is common among older people with severe pain." "Osteoporosis," said Susan Fairweather-Tait, a professor at the University of East Anglia. More than 1000 people, aged between 65 and 79, participated in the test.

Bone density was measured at baseline and after 12 months. The diet had no discernible impact on participants with normal bone density, but it had an effect on people with osteoporosis. People in the control group continued to see age-related decreases in bone density, but those who followed the diet saw an equivalent increase in bone density in one part of the body – the femoral neck. This is the area that connects the shaft diaphysis of the thigh to its rounded head, which inserts it into the hip joint.

"The bone takes a long time to form, so the longest 12-month trial, was still a relatively short time to show an impact.So, the fact that we could see a marked difference between groups, even in this one area alone, is significant, "said Fairweather-Tait.

Other Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

* A study conducted in 2018 by the School of Medicine from the University of New York in the United States shows that following a Mediterranean diet can protect people from some of the damage from air pollution and reduce their dying heart attacks and stroke. [19659007**Fourstudiespresentedatthe2017InternationalConferenceoftheAlzheimer'sAssociationsuggestedthatstickingtoaMediterraneandietcouldreducetheriskofdementiaItalsoshowsaconnectionbetweenrichdietssinfreshfruitsandvegetablessuchastheMediterraneandietandtheBalticSeadietandbrainfunction

* A 2018 study shows that a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables and fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, coffee, tea, and chocolate, are badociated with a lower risk of eating. hospitalization in patients with cirrhosis of the liver.

* A 2018 study shows that the Mediterranean diet reduces cognitive decline and the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The researchers found that attention, memory and language improved in people who joined the MedDiet

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