Meghan Markle, a pregnant woman, and Prince Harry will have to follow these rules for royal baby


Meghan Markle, a pregnant woman, and Prince Hary are about to welcome their first child into the royal family, but they will not be able to do so without following certain rules along the way.

Although Meghan is known for its discretion. In the royal family, she must respect the traditions.

Meghan and Harry are a one-of-a-kind group, unlike all the couples the royal family has seen, especially in relation to Prince William and Kate. But with her first child, she will have to follow the rules.

Revealing Baby Sex Susbad:

One of the rules that Meghan has followed up to now is to keep the bad of her baby under wraps. According to tradition, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad can not know bad before the birth of the child.

Midwifery Team:

At birth, Meghan will be accompanied by a team of midwives. with health professionals. During the birth of Princess Charlotte, Kate had at least three midwives and 20 health professionals at her disposal.

Pregnant Meghan Markle will have to follow certain strict rules during pregnancy

First Call to the Queen: [19659002] In addition, Queen Elizabeth will be the couple's first call shortly after birth. They will first have to inform the queen via an encrypted phone. Once the queen informed, the staff of the royal couple will inform other leading personalities.

Name of the baby royal:

The name of the baby will also be decided according to the traditional rule. to name the Royals according to their ancestors. But it seems that Meghan will probably ignore this rule and choose an American name for her baby.

A special blanket for baby susbad:

Another rule to be followed by the couple is this: their baby must be swaddled in a knit blanket made by a local family in Nottingham. , in England. Even the children of Prince William and Kate were also wrapped in the same blaket.

Prince Harry's baby and Meghan Markle is expected for April 2019.

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ALSO WATCH | Meghan Markle-Prince Harry waits for their first child

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