Meghan Markle and Prince Harry NOT-FOLLOW Kate Middleton and Prince William on Instagram for this reason


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expecting their firstborn soon. While waiting to see the new Prince or Princess of Susbad, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad are making headlines for something different. The royal couple left Kensington Palace's account of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Reason will warm your hearts.

Royal fans watch Meghan Markle. Fans of the Duchess of Susbad hope that the royal family will soon announce the arrival of the royal baby. While we watch closely, fans have noticed an extraordinary activity on the Instagram account of the Duke and Duchess of Susbad. No, it has nothing to do with the baby. It is not a new post either. It's about someone that the royal couple has not followed.

Meghan and Harry deleted Kensington Palace's account of Kate and William on Instagram. The royal couple only follows 16 accounts and the account of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge does not belong to it. They also removed from other royal accounts, including the Clarence House, the accounts of Princes Charles and Camilla, Princess Eugenie, Prince Andrew and even the Royal Family. Before moving on to action and baduming something unimaginable, the royal couple revealed its decision not to follow the account of Kensington Palace.

The couple revealed, through a new Instagram post, that they were only following organizations that "promote mental well-being, mental health, body positivity, self-care and self-help." importance of the human link ". "There are countless organizations doing outstanding work for mental health, please consider the accounts we have highlighted as a small snapshot of the global support network, we are all in the same boat" they wrote. This decision comes as May marks Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. Mental Health Awareness Week is being held from 13 to 19 May in the United Kingdom.

Check out the message below:

What a powerful move to attract the attention of all.

Since Meghan and Harry made their social debut with their pseudonym Instagram, Susbad Royal, the Instagram account of Kensington Palace has been reviewed. Kate, William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis now see an image while the Susbad Royal account has a logo representing H and M.

ALSO READ: Meghan Markle offered this gift to her beaute Sister Kate Middleton on her birthday

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for other updates.

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