Men, here are some symptoms to watch out for


What You Need to Know About Testicle and Prostate Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is unusual: the majority of cancers are more common in men aged 60 to 70, but The average age of diagnosis for testicular cancer is much younger. Each year, thousands of men are diagnosed with testicular cancer in all countries, but the good news is that there is a survival rate of 98%. "Men who do not go to the doctor have a big problem, even if they find a mbad in the testicles," says Professor Clare Turnbull, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Cancer Reseach (UK). "Over the years, bad cancer symptoms have normalized. This may be part of the reason why women are more likely to consult their GP as soon as they notice changes. "

What you can do

"Just like women who examine their bads monthly, men need to become familiar with their own bodies," says Professor Turnbull.

The best place for an exam is in the bath or shower; because the hot water will relax the scrotum. He must compare one side to the other, rolling each between his fingers, to understand how his testicles feel normally, and use the other side as a criterion for comparison. 'Encourage him to do a monthly self-exam.

If there are any changes, bumps or pain when he self-examines, he should immediately consult his doctor.

Prostate Cancer

This is the most common cancer in men. Three-quarters of diagnosed men are over 65 years old and their survival rate is 83%. Prostate cancer can often be slow growing and may never show any symptoms.

Men should be alert to changes in habits in the bathroom, such as the need to urinate more frequently, especially at night; low or interrupted urine flow; or a painful sensation when peeing. There may also be problems in the bedroom, such as difficulty getting an erection and painful ejaculation .

What You Can Do

Make sure all the older men in your life see their GP as soon as they have symptoms. In many cases, this will be a "watchful waiting", that is to say, one must monitor the symptoms when a cancer is considered "slow growing" for the purpose of avoid treatment as much as possible. Physicians can also institute "active surveillance," which will involve a rectal exam and blood tests every six months. "Some forms of treatment can be very aggressive and it's important to weigh your options," says Professor Turnbull. "Prostatectomy or radical radiotherapy is very effective, but can lead to incontinence and impotence."

Although doctors choose not to treat many cases of prostate cancer, this does not mean that men can afford to stay relaxed before going to the general practitioner – the disease kills always more than 11,000 men a year and only a qualified professional can advise you. correctly.

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