Microsoft to "soon" bring a dark mode to


Microsoft is set to bring a dark mode to The latest development does not happen so long after Apple brought a dark mode to macOS. Applications such as Twitter and Facebook Messenger also offer a dark mode dedicated for some time already. However, the Redmond giant reveals that he is creating the best Dark Mode of any major email client and that it will begin "soon". The company has notably presented its development for Halloween last year. In addition, a large number of users have until now requested the availability of a dedicated dark mode to use the email client easily in a dark environment.

As announced by a post of comments, Microsoft is working on a dark mode for for a few months now and is expected to bring the same experience to the public in the future to come. The official Outlook comment portal points out that a dark mode is among the most requested features for the email client. However, the Outlook Program Manager, Philip Loh, says in the comment that there has been a delay in setting up the feature, his team wishing to "offer the best dark mode of any main email client ". He added: "The preview you saw last year at Halloween was a prototype that required a lot more work to be ready for prime time. We redrawed the colors and code several times. times and are proud to enter the last stretch. " 19659002] It is still not clear when the web version of Outlook will receive dark mode. Nevertheless, the new confirmation is enough to say that you will soon be able to put a dark blanket on your inbox to resist the light of the night. Interestingly, Gmail, an Outlook rival, also has no dedicated Dark mode. However, you can use custom themes to color certain components on the screen in black.

Last March, Microsoft released a redesigned version with a list of options and customization features such as Mail, Calendar, and People Experiences. all the users. The redesigning process also allowed for faster performance and improved Skype integration.

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