More from Netflix on Wii: Nintendo will end console streaming in January


  Wii System

Some people still use their Wii to stream Netflix or Hulu on their TVs.

Amanda Kooser / CNET

Nintendo just put another nail in the coffin of Wii . According to Netflix, Nintendo will stop all video streaming services for the console in late January.

The Netflix website states that January 30 will be the end of the day of badistance. A representative confirmed this date to CNET, despite the previous mailing of a customer service e-mail on Reddit mentioning Jan. 31. The announcement on the Netflix website states:

"Unfortunately, Nintendo will suspend all video streaming services on the Wii – including the Netflix channel – after January 30, 2019."

It appears that Nintendo probably removes other streaming services for the Wii – like Hulu and Amazon Video – as

The Wii was a resounding success at the time, with over 101 million copies sold. Although he is 12, he probably still flies to many homes – and his ability to broadcast Netflix or Hulu has kept him relevant.

My old Wii is still plugged into my parents' home as a dedicated Netflix device. But once Nintendo stops broadcasting, it may be time to remove my Wii forever.

Nintendo will always leave you streaming video on your Wii U 3DS or . . Netflix is ​​not yet on the switch, but you can use YouTube or Hulu instead

Nintendo has not immediately responded to a request for comment.

First published on November 12, 2018, at 9:29:
Update at 11:33: Added Netflix confirmation that the streaming will take place on January 30th.

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