mutual fund: At Rs 12,622 crore, Oct equity MF inflows highest in FY19 so far


Retail monthly flows into equity-oriented mutual funds (SIPs). While liquid funds flow to the backdrop of the previous month, income funds continue to witness outflows on the higher interest rates and fears of the crisis.

Net inflows increased by Rs 35,500 crore to take the total badet under management to Rs 22.24 lakh crore.

Equity funds saw inflows of Rs 12,622 crore, the highest in the financial year, topping May's inflow of Rs 11,350 crore. Investors pumped in Rs 7,985 crore through SIPs in equity funds, an all-time monthly high. This was Rs 258 crore more than September's Rs 7.727 crore, despite the sharp correction in the equity markets with the Nifty touching the lowest point of 10.005 of this calendar year.

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<p>" Investors have used the correction in their equity in their portfolio and their long-term allocation to this badet clbad, "Said Swarup Mohanty, CEO, Mirae Asset Mutual Fund." Distributors said equity mutual funds are strong in the face of growth. enter equities, an badet clbad that is known to beat inflation in the long-term, they added.
<p> Rs 37,642 crore, while liquid funds saw inflows of Rs 55, 300 crore. In the last month, income funds had seen outflows of Rs 32,500 crore, while liquid funds saw Rs 1.5 lakh crore in outflows.
<p> While money is selectively trickling into liquid funds and overnight funds, investors continue to stay away from funds. "Said NS Venkatesh, chief executive officer of AMFI.
<p> Corporate investors continued to be affected by mutual funds in the wake of the ongoing IL & FS crisis and the contagion effect it could have. They continue to closely monitor the developments in the debt markets.
<p> "Balasubramaniam, CEO, Aditya Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund, says Balasubramaniam, CEO of Aditya Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund.
<p> Of the Rs 1.5 lakh crore outflows in liquid funds in September, only a third or Rs 55,300 crore has come back. Due to this, many corporate investors prefer to play it safe and opted for bank rather than mutual funds.
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