Named the basic principles of a low carb diet


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There are many weight loss diets in the world, but there is one that is suitable for almost all weight loss diets. of how to lose weight on a low carb diet, you will learn after reading the article.

How to lose weight with a low carb diet:

1. Do not eat 100 grams of carbohydrates per day

100 grams – the average number that may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the human body.Make sure that the carbohydrates you eat are natural and healthy.The best sources of carbohydrates – vegetables and fruits

2. Eat carbohydrates before 3 pm

It is very important not to eat carbohydrates at night because their daily carbohydrate requirement is to eat in the morning and afternoon. carbohydrates eaten at night, are converted into fat c Orporelle, because people in the evening are less active than in the morning.

3. Do not forget the protein

A protein or protein in the body performs a number of functions, the main building. The body is updated daily, so a person needs protein. Eat 1-1. 5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

4. Be Active

Select an appropriate exercise form, it is best to focus on what you like. Engaged in physical activity at least 3-4 times a week.

5. Drink water

The element of body water transport that governs all metabolic processes in the human body. In addition, during the period of active life, the body loses a lot of fluid, it is related to the acceleration of metabolism. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day.

If you have a real motivation, then you will definitely lose weight with a low carbohydrate diet. Stick to 5 basic principles, and high results.

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