Neurobiologists discover the link between smell and memory – The New Indian Express



WASHINGTON DC: A mechanism that allows the brain to recreate vivid sensory experiences of memory has been discovered.

Neurobiologists at the University of Toronto highlight the creation of sensory memories Using the sense of smell as a model, the results offered a new perspective on how the senses are represented in memory and could explain why the loss of the ability to feel has become an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease.

Lead author of the study, Afif Aqrabawi said, "Our discoveries demonstrate for the first time how the smells we encountered in our lives are recreated in memory."

There is a close connection between memory and olfaction – the process of odor and odor recognition.

In examining this connection in the mouse, Aqrabawi found that space and time information fit into an area of ​​the brain important for the sense of smell. tood – known as anterior olfactory nucleus (AON).

AON has a well-documented involvement in Alzheimer's disease but little is known about its function

"Given the early degeneration of the disease, AON in Alzheimer's disease, our study suggests that odor deficits experienced by patients involve difficulties in remembering the smells "when" and "where" were encountered, "says Professor Junchul Kim

The researchers add that with a better understanding of the underlying neural circuits Tests that directly and effectively examine the proper functioning of these circuits can be developed.

The complete results are present in the journal Nature Communications.

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