New study suggests treatment for some forms of deafness | Health


A new study has shed light on the molecular mechanism in a form of deafness, DFNA27, and suggests a possible treatment strategy.

The study, conducted by the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) of the National Institutes of Health , focused on a small molecule drug – the first to preserve hearing in mice "We were able to partially restore hearing, especially at lower frequencies, and save some sensory hair cells", a said Thomas B. Friedman, Ph.D., head of the Laboratory. "If other studies show that small molecule drugs are effective in treating DFNA27 deafness in people, it is possible that the use of similar approaches might work for" [19659003] Andrew J. Griffith, Scientific Director of NIDCD, said by following these genetic leads: "We find new and unexpected ways that can, in cases like this,"

The project was supported by extramural grants from NIDCD and Intramural Research Program funds NIDCD

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