Nintendo Switch Skyrim Mod Unscheduled Assistance: Bethesda


While the open-world role-playing game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has support for mods created by users or mods as they are known for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, do not expect mods for the Nintendo Switch version of the game. For consoles, all mods must go through the Bethesda Creative Club. And there is no plan to bring it to the Nintendo switch at this point. Bethesda Games Studio boss Todd Howard confirmed them at Gamelab, a developer event in Spain last week.

"Skyrim Switch has a great community that we have not supported as we would like," said Howard at a conference in Gamelab. . He later explained that he meant that it was the lack of mod support.

"They [the Switch Skyrim community] asked for mods," he told Eurogamer, "they asked Creation Club -" When are we going to have more things? "

At the present time, Howard admits that Bethesda did not do anything because it's" on other things, "like Fallout Shelter for the Switch. he insisted on Skyim's mods on the Switch, he said it would not happen.

"We do not do it actively," he said. "We'd like to see that happen but it's not something we're actively doing. "

For what it's worth, we felt that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch is almost perfect. not be the best version of the game, but it's the most accessible and easiest way to enjoy this well-worn clbadic.

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