Niti plans to set an electric vehicle target for state-owned common carriers


The government plans to give state-owned common carriers the goal of deploying a certain percentage of electric vehicles in their new orders, while refraining from publishing an electric vehicle policy , said a manager of Niti Aayog.

In addition, the official said for personal transportation, Aayog is of the opinion that market forces should be allowed to decide whether people want to buy an electric car or a diesel / gasoline car .

"We would like to say to the States that their carbon footprint should be minimized and we plan to give targets to the common carriers to deploy a certain percentage of electric vehicles in their new orders," said the official. PTI. He added that "we do not need a policy on electric vehicles, we need a change in behavior".

The official also said that the government wants to encourage local production of electric vehicles.

India currently has electric vehicles of 1 to 1.5 lakh and is expected to reach 5% of the total number of vehicles in the next five years. vehicles accounted for just 1%

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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