No awareness puts 90% Jaipur women in breast cancer zone


Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in the world.

According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 4), only about 6% women between the ages of 15 and 49 in Jaipur have ever undergone bad examination. A combination of regular bad self-examination and undertaking clinical evaluation through mammography are considered to be effective for the diagnosis of bad cancer in women. Also showing that in Rajasthan only 4.8% such women have gone undergone bad examination.

The World Health Organization (WHO) prescribes mammography screening or X-ray of bad cancer date

"The incidence of bad cancer is increasing in the world of development and adoption of western lifestyles. In fact, more women in the urban areas are affected by bad cancer than those in the rural areas. "Savita Bansal, Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology at Fortis La Femme Said"

As per Expert, Early Breast Cancer (EBC) is only 30% of the bad cancer cases in India compared to 60 to 70% of cases in the developed world. Over two-thirds of the cases in India report for diagnosis and treatment services in advanced stages of the disease, resulting in poor survival and high mortality rates. This article presents the results of the study of bad cancer in India in the United States.

"In India, lack of awareness, poor health among women, especially among those who belong to the lower socio-economic strata, and have limited access to effective healthcare and the provision of disease to the poorer hamper cancer diagnosis, "said Dr. Savita.

Preventive Cure

Experts suggest that women aged 40 and above should opt for mammography. Breast cancer can be prevented by the addition of vitamins and minerals to the body, and it may be necessary to maintain badfeeding in the womb.

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