No dos and don'ts for the eclipse in Ayurveda, says expert


The world is about to witness a total lunar eclipse tonight, that is to say in the night of July 27 to July 28 which will last about 1 hour 45 minutes. It is thought that this will be the longest lunar eclipse of the century. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon falls under the shadow of the Earth pbading directly behind the Earth. This day will also be a blood moon, where the earth's satellite takes on a reddish color. During the lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan, the earth tends to block the direct sunlight to reach the moon. The only reflected light is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere; this light appears red in color, which is why it is called Blood Moon. Let's look at the schedules of the total lunar eclipse and know what is in store.

Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse 2018: Date and Moment of the Moon of Blood

  • Chandra Grahan is expected to be the night of the full moon today which will fall on the night of July 27th. The first phase of the eclipse will begin at 23:54 local time on July 27 when the moon will be cast in the shadow of the earth.
  • The total lunar eclipse is supposed to be visible from 1:00 am to July 28, and will be visible in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune and others
  • The second phase of the eclipse will start from 2:43, time at which a partial lunar eclipse will take place.

Chandra Grahan 2018: Chandra Grahan should be in the middle of the night

While astronomers are happy to see the Moon of Blood on this big day, there are certain beliefs or myths that have revolved around of this phenomenon for centuries. Over the next few days, people were advised against consuming food or water during an eclipse, and these beliefs were widely propagated.

Chandra Grahan 2018: Avoiding Food Superstition: Here's What an Ayurveda Expert Suggests

Ram N Kumar, a specialist in Ayurveda of NirogStreet, rejects these beliefs as mere superstition. He says, "There is no mention of do's and don'ts in Ayurveda about such beliefs. The only reference is that we should avoid engaging in a good job. omen. Do not eat and drink during the eclipse and compulsory bath after the eclipse is a superstition: one can safely lead a normal life during the eclipse. "

Yogi Anoop, founder and director of MediYoga explains:" During the lunar eclipse, the moon tends to be closer to the ground, which means that there are some electromagnetic waves in the body rivers, and that our bodies are made up of 72% water.physiological changes You could become sullen and end up eating a lot of food, which can cause and disturb the stomach, that's why most experts suggest that you should not eat during this period because it can take a long time to digest food This can help your digestion stay strong.You can, otherwise, follow a normal routine like everything else is superstition. "

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