Nokia smartphones to get Android P updated from August: Report


By: Tech Desk | New Delhi |

Last Updated: July 1, 2018 10:16:16

  Nokia, Nokia smartphones, Nokia Android phones, Nokia 7 Plus, Nokia 7 Plus Android phone, Nokia 6 Android phone, Nokia 5 Android phone, Nokia 2 Android phone, Nokia 1 Android P, Android P, Android P Features, Android P Features The deployment of Android P for all Nokia brand smartphones begins in August this year.

All Nokia brand smartphones manufactured by HMD Global update Android P as of August this year. The report comes from a reader NokiaPowerUser who sent a screenshot showing an e-mail that he received. The e-mail from Nokia Mobile Care suggests that the update of Android P will reach all Nokia smartphones "in the month of August." This clearly means that a stable version of Android P will begin to be rolled out this month or early August.

That should not be a surprise – after all, HMD Global has confirmed several times in the past that all its Nokia smartphones will receive the latest Android P update. Earlier this week, Nokia 6, Nokia 6, Nokia 7 Plus and Nokia 8 Sirocco joined the Android P Beta program in China

Often, many smartphone companies promise to update their phones to the latest version of Android. As you may have noticed, a handful of them managed to deploy regular software updates. Fortunately, HMD Global is among some smartphone manufacturers to push the software update to its phones.

See also : Nokia 7 Plus Review: The Uncompromising Android Smartphone [19659006] Also, it must be understood that all the latest Nokia phones are part of the Android One program. These phones basically work a pure version of Android, which definitely gives them an edge over a phone with a custom layer of Android. With Android One, devices also receive up to two years of upgrades from the latest version of Android.

Previously, Google said that Android P will be launched in the third quarter of 2018, which means that the latest software update could touch the pixel. range in the month of July. So there is a chance to see the update Android P touch Nokia smartphones in August.

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