NovaGenix offers stem cell, PRP and anti-aging treatments


Often, patients come to our clinic and ask us "What is cell therapy?" We explain to our patients that stem cells are unique cells with beneficial properties to help patients get better. deliver from a variety of medical conditions. They are able to transform into many types of cells and can quickly and easily replicate in the human body, regardless of the types of cells to repair or replace.

The use of stem cells has always proved very promising in treatment. of several medical conditions and has allowed doctors to help countless patients improve the quality of their lives through the use of these treatments. Stem cell therapy at NovaGenix may involve the injection of stem cells into a damaged area of ​​the body, such as the knees or the lower back where they can divide and differentiate into new, healthier cells and repair damaged tissues causing pain and discomfort. patients to relive a normal life and resume their activities such as walking, swimming, golf and cycling for example.

At NovaGenix, our comprehensive stem cell protocols utilize well-targeted combinations of allogeneic human umbilical cells and autologous platelet-rich plasma to help treat diseases and conditions such as:

  • Autoimmune Disorders [19659005] Heart Failure
  • Trauma
  • Neuropathy
  • Arthrosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

We also treat chronic pain, acute orthopedic conditions and injuries to:

  • Neck
  • Return
  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Wrist [19659005] Hips
  • The Lower Back
  • Knees
  • Ankles

The regenerative properties of stem cells play a crucial role in current and future treatments for diseases and injuries. When the mesenchymal stem cells divide, the new cells can remain the same or transform (differentiate) into new cells. Stem cells are non-specialized and unique in their ability to divide and renew for very long periods of time, so that the healing process continues for several weeks after treatment. This process known as proliferation, as well as the ability of stem cells to differentiate into several types of cells, is the basis of our treatment in our Jupiter and Fort Lauderdale clinics. Mesenchymal stem cells are currently harvested from umbilical cord tissue and used in the treatment of many diseases and chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis and neuropathy. Our allogeneic cord blood stem cell clinic uses only high quality stem cells and growth factors that can be injected into the bloodstream or injected locally into an area of ​​injury or chronic pain, where they can initiate natural processes. healing and cellular regeneration.

We often use cell therapy with platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatments. PRP is a procedure where we take the blood of a patient and separate platelets from red blood cells. Platelets contain growth factors and cytokines, which are the cells responsible for healing, and concentrate them to levels up to 14 times higher than the normal blood sample patents. By injecting concentrated PRP into an area of ​​injury, we can accelerate the healing process by providing the body with much higher levels of cells that it needs to repair and regenerate new tissues and cells. It is a non-invasive alternative to surgery that has helped patients recover from their injuries and chronic pain.

It's an exciting time in medicine to help rebuild damaged cells and tissues of the body. Stem cell injections are beneficial because they promote the regrowth of cartilage and stop the chronic inflammation that causes pain and reduces mobility. There is more research to be done, but the potential for healing and development of future medical treatments is undoubtedly exciting and a reason why stem cell therapy is becoming more popular.

To see if you are a good candidate, visit us online at or call 561-277-8260 to speak to a member of our team today. You can also visit to learn more about anti-aging medical treatments in South Florida.

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