Nutrition In Avocado: Health Benefits of this Fatty Fruit



  • This fruit has a characteristic creamy texture and a rich nutty flavor
  • There are 3 basic types: Western, Guatemalan and Mexican India
  • Small avocados tend to be More fat and more fat

The avocado makes the cup part of a list of healthy foods because it's a good source of nutrients like fiber, vitamins and the minerals; an excellent source of vitamin C; and has healthy heart-protecting fats. Avocados are a versatile fruit that is botanically a large berry containing a single seed or pit. Also known as "Makkhan Fal" in India, avocados have a high fat content but considered one of the healthiest fruits you can include in your daily diet. In addition, this "fat" fruit promotes weight loss. This is because avocados are loaded with good monounsaturated oils, which do not stack calories and help lubricate the joints and lower blood pressure. Lawyers are very popular all over the world. Avocados are grown in Mediterranean regions around the world. In India, avocados are grown scattered in the southern tropical states such as Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra

(Read also – 5 creative ways to have the "I" in mind. avocado)

  avocado Avocados are a versatile fruit that is botanically a large berry containing a single seed or pit

Advantages for the health of the avocado

Full of monounsaturated fats : Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) are healthy fats and their consumption has been badociated with lower risks of heart disease, mainly because they reduce LDL while improving HDL. also positively affect insulin levels and blood sugar control, which is beneficial for type 2 diabetes. Avocados are a good source of oleic acid, a MUFA that is known for its ability to improve memory and brain function

Avocados are a good source of carotenoids. Carotenoids are related to reducing inflammation, promoting healthy growth and development, and improving immunity.

  lawyer Avocados are a good source of carotenoids

Rich In Vitamins C and K: Vitamin K plays an active role in the absorption of calcium in the body and contributes to the Bone calcification, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin K transports calcium out of the arteries, preventing plaque formation. Vitamin K is a vitamin of blood clotting and helps prevent excessive blood loss from injury.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals, and is also very important for collagen synthesis. helps prevent anemia by improving the absorption of iron from our diet, the most important of which is its ability to enhance immunity.There is well-documented evidence on its role in the prevention and control of reducing the duration of respiratory infections and preventing infections. ons that cause pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea.

  lawyer Avocados help bone calcification reducing the risk of osteoporosis

Fruit rich in fiber: Fiber is a word you hear very often about health, Well Named. Diets high in fiber are related to better digestive health, both in terms of good intestinal transit and improved intestinal flora by working as pro and pre-biotic. Fiber is also badociated with reduced risks of heart disease, cancer and better sugar controls.

Power-Packed With Antioxidants: The avocado contains phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, beneficial for macular health. Phytochemicals protect the body by trapping free radicals that cause oxidative damage, which can lead to damage to DNA and lead to cell mutations. The highest concentration of these antioxidants is found in the dark green flesh closest to the skin, according to the California Avocado Commission, so peel or peel like a banana.

  Avocado The avocado contains phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, [Folate: Folate is an essential nutrient for pregnant and lactating mothers to protect their child against conbad malformations such as spinal bifida and neural tube defects. Folate-rich diets have also been linked to

High protein content: Fruits are not generally considered a source of protein, but Lawyer probably has the largest amount of protein: Proteins are essential for every cell in our body. As a source of protein, the avocado works well for athletes and people with an active lifestyle, helping to build lean muscle mbad and burn fat.

Nutrition In Avocado

Nutriment Quantity / 100g
Water 73.56 g
C alories 144.36Kcal
Protein 2.95g [19659027] Lipids 13.86g
Fibers 6.69g
CHO 1.75g ​​
Total Folate 67.17 micrograms
Vitamin C 9.36 mg
Vitamin K 38.74micrograms
Potbadium 377mg
Total Sat. Fats 1237mg
Total MUFA 8710mg Total PUFA 1141mg

Avocado nutrition makes it an amazing fruit to include in your meals. Its versatility allows it to be used with a number of recipes. The only point that you need to keep in mind is that it is a high fat source, so do not eat large amounts, but as part of a healthy and balanced meal, it can you pay dividends.

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