Obese adolescents can face the risk of pancreatic cancer


According to new research, if your teen or young adult is obese, they are four times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer later in life.

Researchers at the Tel Aviv University badyzed 1,087,358 Jewish men and for the study published in the CANCER journal, 707,212 women showed that an overweight and even a weight greater than the "normal" weight range in men could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer in a progressive manner.

Compared with normal weight, obesity was badociated with a 3.77-fold increase in cancer risk for men and a 4-fold increase in risk among women, the report says.

The cancer risks are respectively 49% and 97% higher than those whose BMI is not normal.

Pancreatic cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer death in the world and a link between obesity in adults with increased risk for its occurrence.

Its survival rate is extremely low and has not improved much in the last 40 years.

The combination of complex chemical, biological, biomechanical and structural factors found in cancerous pancreatic tissue makes it difficult to treat.

Systemic inflammation caused by obesity is a potential factor in the development of pancreatic cancer. Thus, weight management could help reduce the risk, noted the researchers.

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