Obesity in children associated with severe hip disease


A recent study has shown that obesity in children is the leading risk factor for a serious condition that can lead to hip deformity.

The study – conducted by researchers from the University of Liverpool, Oxford University, Oxford University Children's Hospital Aberdeen and Alder Hey – was published in Pediatrics.

The capital slip femoral epiphysis (HCFS) occurs in adolescents and affects 1 in 2,000 children. The hip deforms and sometimes collapses completely, causing pain and disability for life. Early recognition and treatment of the disease is important to minimize its severity.

Nevertheless, SCFE is one of the most common reasons for hip replacement in young adults and sometimes even in children. Surgeons have long thought that obesity may be the cause, although no substantial evidence has been provided so far.

Researchers have shown that obese children at age 5 have a 75% chance of remaining obese by the age of 12. Most importantly, children with severe obesity at the age of 5 were almost 20 times more likely to develop CPFE than a thin child.

Daniel Perry, Children's Orthopedic Surgeon at Alder Hey Hospital and Clinical Scientist of the NHRI, said: "Surgeons have long suspected that juvenile obesity was at the heart of the world. The results are very clear: It is important for physicians who treat children to be aware of SCFE, particularly in obese children.In identifying early SCFE, children usually need only a relatively simple surgical procedure, but children identified later often require a high-risk reconstructive surgery. "

"High rates of childhood obesity are a major concern at the national and international levels.CSFE has a profound effect on the quality of life of adolescents.The link with obesity is striking – there are few other diseases in children a consequence of obesity, and this disease causes problems to the child throughout his life, "added Professor Steve Turner, from the University of Aberdeen.

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