October 2018 Apple Event: new iPad Pro, MacBook Air 2, Mac Mini and everything planned


Written by Anuj Bhatia
| New York |

Last Updated: October 29, 2018 22:06:11

  Apple Oct. 2018 Event, Apple Oct. Event, Apple iPad Event, Apple iPad Pro Event, iPad Pro 2018, iPad Price 2018, Pricing & Shipping # 39; iPad 2018 India, MacBook Air, new MacBook Air Apple event of October 2018: New iPad Pro, MacBook Air 2, Mac Mini and all the rest expected

Apple seems ready to put update its hardware range with a new iPad Pro, a new MacBook Air, an AirPower, an Apple Pencil 2, an AirPods 2 and possibly a new iMac and a Mac Mini. The event will be held at the Brooklyn Music Academy in New York on October 30th. Apple recently tried sites outside of California and hosted an event in Chicago earlier this year to introduce the new iPads. The event will start at 10 am Eastern Time – 7:30 pm Eastern Time – will be streamed on Apple devices.

Here is what to expect from the Apple event.

Apple event of October 2018: new iPad Pro

The star of the show should definitely be the new iPad Pro. One speculates on the fact that Apple is planning to offer not one, but two models of the iPad Pro, one with a size of 11 inches and the other with a size of 8. 39; 12.9-inch screen. We expect a technical shock, as usual. IPad Pro users can also expect a significant drop in the number of edges around the screen, just like the iPhone X.

Then, well heard, Apple will remove the home button, which means that the iPad Pro will rely solely on the facial identity for unlocking. Recent rumors claim that Face ID will work in any orientation, unlike previous reports that suggested that it would not work in landscape mode. A new Apple pencil should also be announced alongside the iPad Pro with better features. Again, few details are known at this stage.

Apple Event of October 2018: iPad Mini 2018

The iPad Mini was the most popular iPad at one point, but it was overshadowed by the iPhone 6 Plus. But, it seems that Apple is planning to launch an updated version of the iPad Mini. Ming-Chi Kuo, a notorious badyst, predicts that the iPad Mini will be updated with a better processor and a lower cost panel. While Kuo suggests that a new iPad Mini is coming, he does not know if Apple plans to launch the mini tablet during this event or at a later date. Will there be a new iPad Mini? Only time will tell.

Learn more: The Apple iPad Pro 2018 features a larger screen, rounded corners and no home button: Report

Apple Event October 2018: The All-New MacBook Air

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the MacBook Air, which Steve Jobs introduced for the first time in January 2008. The best-performing Mac gets old and desperate need an update. Yes, it has been refreshed several times in recent years with new internal components, but it still has the same design.

An updated MacBook Air has been around for a long time and could finally be unveiled at the following address: The Event of Tomorrow. The new model would probably have an Intel 8th generation processor, a similar Retina display to MacBook and MacBook Pro 12-inch and USB Type-C ports. We also expect frames to be significantly reduced to allow for larger display. Other details remain mysterious.

See also: Apple Event October 30: How to Watch Live Shows on Your PC, iPhone, iPad, or MacBook

The MacBook Air was launched as a MacBook " affordable "and we expect a similar strategy adopted by Apple with the new model. Although we do not know if the new MacBook will cost less than US $ 1,000 or so it will continue to sell for US $ 1,000, the same amount as the current MacBook Air.

Apple event of October 2018: new iMac and Mac Mini

Be surprised to see a new Mac Mini at the Apple event on October 30th. The company headed by Tim Cook has not updated the Mac Mini for years. The latest Mac Mini was launched in 2014, at the time of the introduction of the iPhone 6 by Apple. We do not know why Apple is delaying the release of Mac Mini, but we hope to see the introduction of a new Mac Mini sooner than expected. [19659006] An updated Mac Mini, if introduced, would surely feature an Intel 8th generation processor and would also feature a smaller SSD. There is also a chance to see a redesign of the design, but that's only a rumor for the moment.

Also read: Apple launches the iPad Mini 5, AirPods 2 and AirPower end 2018 or early 2019: Kuo [19659006] Apart from the Mac Mini, we also provide the launch of the new iMac. Recently, four new models have been identified on a regulatory document filed on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission (ECE). It is obvious that one of the four models refers to a laptop and that others are desktop computers.

 Apple event of October 2018, Apple event of October, Apple iPad event, Apple iPad event, iPad Pro 2018, iPad 2018 price, iPad 2018 India, MacBook Air, new MacBook Air "data-lazy-src =" https://images.indianexpress.com/2018/10/apple_logo_reuters1.jpg The MacBook Air has been touted as the MacBook ' affordable, "and we expect to see a similar strategy adopted by Apple with the new model. (Source of the picture: Reuters)

Apple Event October 2018: AirPods 2018

The Apple AirPods continue to be the pair of wireless headphones the most popular on the market, even though it was launched in 2016. So it comes as no surprise to see the arrival of the second-generation AirPods in 2018.

We do not know if Apple is working on the AirPods 2, but the rumor wants us to see the new generation headphones at the big event organized by Apple on October 30th. Rumor has it that this would result in noise suppression and water resistance. Another theory is that Apple is preparing to add a biometric feature to its AirPods – possibly a heart rate sensor. This would certainly expand the use of AirPods, which are already popular with fitness enthusiasts.

 Apple Event October 2018, October Apple, Apple, Apple iPad event, Apple iPad professional event, iPad Pro 2018, iPad 2018 price, price of the iPad 2018 India, MacBook Air, new MacBook Air "data-lazy-src =" https://images.indianexpress.com/2018/10/apple_airpower_1.jpg[19659031AppleOctober2020EventsAppleOctoberEventApplePadEventsAppleiPadproiPadPro2018prixdel'iPad2018prixdel'iPad2018inIndiaMacBookAirNewMacBookAir L'AirPower d & # 39; Will Apple finally have a release date?

Apple event October 2018: AirPower

Last year, Apple announced its AirPower wireless charger alongside the iPhone X, but we have not seen any mention from the device since the initial unveiling. The Cupertino company has not spoken publicly about AirPower. Many believe that for technical reasons, Apple had to kill the wireless charger capable of charging three devices (iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods) at the same time, although these are just rumors for the moment.

Despite the technical problems, Apple could launch the charger. In fact, Apple badyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently predicted that the company would launch AirPower in the fourth quarter of 2018 or the first quarter of 2019. We do not know when Apple plans to launch the charger in the market, but we expect Apple announces the official price and availability of the AirPower at its October 30 event.

Warning: The author is in New York on behalf of Apple India.

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