OnePlus 6 receives OxygenOS open beta 5; the update includes the October security patch


Owners of OnePlus 6 can now install OxygenOS Open beta 5 on their handsets. With only three items, the list of changes is rather short. First, the update includes the latest Android security patch for October. Second, the user interface of the extinction menu has been improved. And depending on how often you take screenshots with your phone, you may be thrilled to discover the updated interface to handle such a task.

If you have already flashed an open beta, it will come to you via an OTA. update. If you own the OnePlus 6 but you are an open beta virgin OxygenOS, you will need to follow the instructions provided at Do not forget that for this you will have to erase the data from your phone. Once you decide to receive open beta updates, you must perform a "full installation and clear cleanup (complete erasure of all data and cache)" to be able to receive updates again. official OTA days.

Another thing to keep in mind, open beta updates are not stable. This means that they might contain bugs that you do not meet with the stable official versions of OxygenOS. OnePlus relies on beta testers to report any issues with the latest version. In this way, the company can remove all bugs before releasing the next stable version of the operating system to users of OnePlus 6.

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