OnePlus 6T: 12 reasons to buy and not buy the most expensive OnePlus phone


  OnePlus 6T: 12 reasons to buy and not buy the phone OnePlus the most expensive


OnePlus 6T: 12 reasons to buy and not to buy the phone the most expensive OnePlus

The latest flagship product ] OnePlus 6T was officially launched in India at a starting price of Rs 37,999. This is the most expensive basic variant of all OnePlus lighthouses launched in India until now. As always, the "T" variant has no major difference. While users of OnePlus 6 really have very little hope in the new OnePlus 6T, older users of OnePlus 5 and 5T will surely find the new 6T a valuable upgrade. So, here are 12 reasons to buy or not to buy the new OnePlus 6T.

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  To buy: the first OnePlus phone to have a built-in fingerprint reader

2/13 [19659003] To buy: the first OnePlus phone to have integrated fingerprint scanner

In the OnePlus 6T, the company removed the traditional fingerprint reader and integrated it into the screen itself. Just tap an area on the screen to unlock the OnePlus 6T. This sounds really cool, but note that it is slightly slower than conventional fingerprint scanners.

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  To buy: Smartphone "Value for money"


To buy: "Value for money" smartphone

So that the starting price of Rs 37,999 may seem a little high, but given the technical specifications and features, OnePlus 6T is surely a flagship smartphone "Value for money". … Read … more
  To buy: OnePlus 6T comes with a larger battery of 3,700 mAh vs OnePlus 6


To buy: OnePlus 6T comes with a longer battery 3,700 mAh large against OnePlus 6

OnePlus 6T comes with a larger battery of 3,700 mAh compared to OnePlus 6 and older OnePlus 5 and 5T smartphones.

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  To buy: OnePlus 6T offers a slightly larger screen-to-body ratio


To buy: OnePlus 6T offers a slightly larger screen-to-body ratio

While the quality of display of OnePlus 6 and 6T is similar, the OnePlus 6T has a smaller water drop notch than OnePlus 6. Thus, the OnePlus 6T has a higher screen / body ratio.

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  To buy: OnePlus 6T is protected by Corning Gorilla Glbad 6


To buy: OnePlus 6T is protected by Corning Gorilla Glbad 6

The glbad from OnePlus 6T is the hardest of all OnePlus phones launched so far, thanks to the sixth generation Corning Gorilla.

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  To buy: OnePlus 6T sports a unique glbad design


To buy: OnePlus 6T sports a unique glbad design

The OnePlus 6T is one of the finest OnePlus handsets, thanks to its glbad design and its water-drop display screen.

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  Do not buy: OnePlus has the same camera equipment as the OnePlus. 6


Do not buy: OnePlus 6T has the same camera equipment as the OnePlus 6

While OnePlus 6T could come with In low light mode and some other software changes, the hardware of the camera is essentially similar to the old OnePlus 6.

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  Do not buy: OnePlus 6T runs on the same Snapdragon 845 processor as OnePlus 6.

9/13 [19659003] Do not buy: OnePlus 6T runs on the same Snapdragon 845 processor as OnePlus 6

There is no change in the processor. OnePlus 6T runs on the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor as the old OnePlus 6.

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  Do not buy: OnePlus 6T is not dustproof and waterproof. Water


Do not buy: OnePlus 6T is not waterproof IP68 to dust and water

OnePlus continues to miss the IP68 rating. The new OnePlus 6T is not resistant to dust and water IP68.

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  Do not buy: the OnePlus 6T does not come with a 3.5mm headphone jack


buy: OnePlus 6T is not supplied with a 3.5mm headphone jack

There is no 3.5mm headphone jack on the OnePlus 6T. You will therefore need to use wireless headphones or headphones with USB Type-C plugs.

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  Do not buy: the OnePlus 6T does not support wireless charging even It is made of glbad. Rear Panel


Do not buy: The OnePlus 6T does not support wireless charging, even if its rear panel is made of glbad.

The OnePlus 6T does not support wireless charging despite the return of the glbad. 19659010] … Read more

  Do not buy: as always, the new OnePlus 6T will be "obsolete" in 6 months


Do not buy: as always, the new OnePlus 6T & # 39; outdated & # 39; in 6 months

As with all OnePlus phones, the OnePlus 6T will stop selling in six months from launch as the company will launch the OnePlus 7 with better specifications.

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