Only four EU countries reach the goal of measles vaccination – Precision Vaccinations


According to news from the World Health Organization (WHO), only 4 of the 30 EU / EEA countries achieved the 95% target for 1st and 2nd doses of A measles vaccine in 2017.

In addition, this unfortunate According to the report of July 2012 on communicable diseases (CDTR), Romania (4,317), France (2,588), Greece (2,238) ) and Italy (1,716) reported the highest number of measles cases in 2018.

And the ECDC also reported 31 deaths related to the measles outbreak of 2018.

This negative news means that additional measures are needed to protect children from this vaccine-preventable disease.

According to the WHO, at least 95% of the population must be vaccinated with 2 doses of measles vaccine.

One tactic that can be improved is the dissemination of unbiased information. Italy is facing an o The largest measles epidemics have increased six-fold since 2017.

Skepticism about vaccination in Italy can be blamed on the 2012 judgment that concluded that autism of a child had been caused by MMR vaccination. by-product of this legal decision, the vaccination rates of children in Italy rose from 90% in 2013 to only 85% in 2015.

The good news is that the decision of Rimini was canceled on February 13, 2015 by a court of appeal.

Globally, most governments are taking steps to improve immunization rates.

Recent data from WHO show that most countries (167) now included a second dose of measles vaccine in their routine immunization schedule.

As a result of this expansion of vaccination, the global coverage against measles and rubella increased from 35% in 2010 to 52%

but in the United States, measles has returned to strength.

In 2018, the United States reported the largest number of cases since the elimination of measles was documented in the 2000, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

From January 1 to June 16, 2018, 93 people from 19 states have measles. The majority of these individuals who contracted measles have not been vaccinated.

In 2017, 118 people from 15 states and the District of Columbia reportedly had measles.

And international travelers continue to bring measles to the United States CDC

The CDC has issued several travel alerts for EU countries regarding their measles outbreaks.

This CDC alert means that Americans traveling to Europe should talk with a health care provider about their immunization status before leaving. 19659002] International travelers can easily request a vaccination appointment with a pharmacy at Vax-Before-Travel

The CDC vaccine price list provides private sector vaccine prices for general information, and discounts of vaccines can be found here. , like any drug, can have side effects, says the CDC. We encourage you to report negative side effects of vaccines to the FDA or CDC.

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