Oral anticoagulants may increase the risk of bleeding in patients with renal insufficiency


Certain anticoagulant medications that reduce the blood clotting process used for the treatment of irregular heart rhythm disorder may present an increased risk of bleeding in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Direct oral anticoagulants – type of anticoagulants – are eliminated by the kidneys to varying degrees, and their elimination is slower in people with CKD. This can predispose these patients to the accumulation of drugs and to a greater risk of hemorrhagic events, according to the researchers.

"Despite rare evidence of safety and efficacy of direct oral anticoagulants, we found that the prescription of direct oral anticoagulants in the CKD population increased significantly over time," Jung explains. -Im Shin from Johns Hopkins University of Maryland.

"We also found that the direct use of oral anticoagulants was badociated with a higher risk of bleeding compared to the use of warfarin in patients with CKD," Shin added

for the study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the team included 3,206 patients with atrial fibrillation who used direct oral anticoagulants and an additional 3,206 patients who have used conventional anticoagulant warfarin.

Results showed that there were 1,181 hemorrhages and 466 ischemic vascular events over 7,391 years of follow-up – number of years of follow-up times the number of people participating in the study. study.

In patients without CKD, the risk of bleeding and the benefits of ischemic stroke prevention between direct use of oral anticoagulant and warfarin were on the other hand, patients with CRI taking direct oral anticoagulants had a bleeding risk 23% higher than that of warfarin, but similar benefits from the prevention of ischemic strokes.

The findings suggest the need for caution when prescribing direct oral anticoagulants in patients with chronic renal failure.


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