Our pets may be the Superbug risks we neglect, say the researchers


You have probably heard about superbugs and their resistance to antibiotics. Some ways that we have learned to ward off these dangerous microbes include not taking antibiotics unnecessarily or otherwise overuse them, ending a prescribed course of antibiotics, and avoiding antibacterial soaps for the hands. But these small steps may not be enough to keep the superbugs away. We may not need to look further than our furry family members.

According to The Conversation, our own pets could threaten us by transferring resistant bacteria. When Fido or Fifi sleep in our beds, lick the food from our hands, or give us those wet kisses that we all love, they potentially cover us with germs that are resistant to antibiotics.

In a study of antimicrobial resistance researchers (AMR) found:

Interactions between veterinarians and pet owners were characterized by misunderstandings and misconceptions about antibiotics by homeowners of pets, and a lack of clarity on the positions and intentions of the other party. Veterinarians and pet owners had different perceptions of the inappropriate origin of prescription antibiotics. Veterinarians perceived that it was mostly pet owners who were pushing for inappropriate antibiotics, while pet owners said that they thought it would be a problem. were veterinarians who were too prescribed. Low levels of understanding of antimicrobial resistance in general were apparent among pet owners and the understanding of AMR in pets was virtually non-existent in the sample.

We were already aware of the dangers of giving farm animals antibiotics for this reason. "Many of the antibiotics we give them are also used in humans, so the superbugs on the farms are all threatening us, and there are also problems with the antibiotics that end up in the water table because of the runoff from the water. farms. But when we give our pets antibiotics without giving their bodies a chance to protect themselves from infection, we increase the risk that they develop immunity to drugs.

The study concluded:

The improvement in the use of antibiotics could be facilitated by educating the public pet owner and by l 39; development of guidelines for veterinarians pets, the concomitant development of mandatory laws, increased consultation. time to facilitate better communication, the development of veterinary training on antimicrobial therapy and stewardship-led interactions with pet owners, and increased levels of knowledge about animal AMR pet owners.

According to research, people "were happy not to take antibiotics to see if their infection would subside, but with respect to their pets, just like children, people wanted antibiotics immediately . Of course, no one wants his pet to suffer needlessly. But not all ailments require antibiotics, and immune systems can often work wonders.

Nobody suggests to stop treating our pets when they are sick, but this new information emphasizes the importance of being aware of every aspect of our lives. when it comes to how superbugs can grow – even in the comfort of our own homes.

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