Exclusive: China presses Europe for anti-US. trade alliance

[ad_1] <img clbad = "alignleft size-medium wp-image-3990" title = "Exclusive: China presses Europe for anti-US alliance on trade" src = "https://images.firstpost.com/wp-content /uploads/reuters/07-2018/04/2018-07-03T125524Z_1_LYNXMPEE62123_RTROPTP_2_USA-TRADE-CHINA-TRUMP.jpg "alt =" Exclusive: China presses Europe against the US BRUSSELS …

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EI claims the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's son in Syria

[ad_1] Cairo: A son of the head of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in the city of Homs in Syria, the group's news channel reported on Tuesday [19659003"Hudayfahal-BadrithesonoftheCaliphwaskilledinanoperationagainsttheNusayriyyahandtheRussiansatthethermalpowerstationofHoms"thestatementsaidThewordNusayriyyahreferstotheAlawitecommunityofSyria The …

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