Penallt finds pioneering stem cell treatment in Mexico | New


A PENALLT man will travel to Mexico next month for pioneering treatment for his Mulitiple sclerosis.

Roger Forbes, 47, will undergo stem cell hematopoietic treatment: an extreme procedure that has an 80% chance of stopping the progression of his MS

Roger has been living with the condition since his diagnosis in December 1994 but after being recommended treatment by a private consultant will fly to Clínica Ruiz in July.

Treatment starts on July 23 and will take The treatment, which costs about £ 50,000, involves taking stem cells from patients and administering chemotherapy doses to them, and then replacing the patient's stem cells.

"They are leaders in treatment," says Roger. "They have done hundreds of procedures and are doing very well."

"The treatment is quite extreme, a small dose of chemo to mobilize my stem cells so that a few million can be harvested, followed by a high dose of chemo to kill my immune system, before replacing my cells strains to restart my system – without MS, I hope. "

In addition to stopping the progression of Roger's MS, it is also hoped that the treatment will help to walk.

a good support network, and goes once a week to the therapy center of the west of England in Bristol

His treatment also has the support of his family and friends , who funded the treatment

and sister-in-law travel to Mexico to support him, and act as caregivers while he recovers.

Although he chose not to set up a fundraising page, Roger would be enthusiastic to help anyone with MS who can consider the treatment. He created a Facebook page that he updates during processing.

To follow his career, visit

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