Pixel 3 XL vs. iPhone XS vs. Galaxy Note 9: Which phone has the best camera in business?


In case you have not read our detailed report on the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, let's summarize it for you. In its third attempt, Google has managed to offer a truly high-level experience with the new Pixel phones. Manufacturing quality, features and performance have been improved. Pixel cameras have always been the distinguishing feature, and this year's models are no different.

While the Pixel 3 does not have a materially different hardware than last year's models, a few key changes and a lot of software enhancements make it a serious candidate for the best smartphone camera. As every year, this time, we will oppose the Pixel 3 XL to two of the best cameras for existing smartphones: the Apple iPhone XS and the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (Review). Both phones feature proven imaging sensors and currently represent the best of what Apple and Samsung have to offer.

We will also launch the Google Pixel 2 XL (Review) in the ring, for two reasons. First of all, the Pixel 2 XL still has one of the best cameras on the market and Google keeps this phone until the end of this year, at a new price of Rs. 45,499, although it should be available at an even lower price in the market. Second, the new Pixel 3 camera app works seamlessly with the Pixel 2 XL. All you have to do is download the APK and load it. This does not give you all the features of the Pixel 3 on the old phone, but you can take advantage of the new user interface. But the most important reason we have included is to see how it compares to the Pixel 3. Given its new selling price, this could be a good deal if your priority is the camera.

our comparison in several tests, which we carried out under different lighting conditions. We also paid special attention to the zoom capabilities of each phone, because the new Super Res Zoom is one of the crowing features of Pixel 3. For each test, we took an average of four photos with each phone, then we chose the best by looking for one from each competitor to compare it to others.

In this comparison, we focus on the raw performance of the sensors. This is why we focus on the main shooting modes common to all phones. You also have additional features with each phone, such as AR stickers, a professional shooting mode, etc., which we reviewed in detail in our comprehensive review of each phone. Click on the links above to find out more about what each phone can offer.

Before you begin, here is a brief overview of the camera specifications for each of the phones. Their primary sensors all have a similar focal length, so we were able to capture similar images with all without having to move.

Google Pixel 3 XL Apple iPhone XS Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Google Pixel 2 XL
Resolution (Rear) 12.2MP 12MP + 12MP Telephoto Lens 12MP Telephoto +12 MP 12.2MP
Pixel Size (Main Sensor) 1.4 micron 1.4 micron 1.4 micron 1.4 micron
Opening f / 1.8 f / 1.8 + f / 2.4 f / 1.5 or f / 2.4 + f / 2.4 f / 1.8 [19659021] Autofocus Dual Pixel Focusing with pixels Dual Pixel Laser + Double pixel
Stabilization Optics Optics + Optics Optics + Optics Optics
Resolution (front) 19659014] 8MP + 8MP wide 7MP 8MP 8MP
Opening f / 1.8 + f / 2.2 [19659012] f / 2.2 f / 1.7 f / 2.4

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. Apple iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Daylight andscape

Our first landscape test features an interesting mix colors, textures and objects at different distances. All phones capture great detail in objects in and around the center of the frame. Even after reviewing 100% of the images, they all show very good detail in the leaves and vines on the pillars, as well as in the surrounding heights.

Press to get a sample of the normal sized Apple XS camera

Other samples: Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

]  daylight landscape pixel 3 100 camera price comparisons 100 percent of harvests

Note 9 does its best to suppress the noise, but partially flattens the texture of the buildings in the distance. . The sky also appears a bit overexposed. The Pixel 2 XL also performs a commendable task with details, but fails to capture the blue hue of the sky and the overall tone makes the picture a bit dark in comparison. The iPhone XS and Pixel 3 are perfectly integrated, because they both produce bright colors and really bring out the blue of the sky, but the iPhone manages to do a slightly superior job by solving the details in l & # 39; shadow. That's why we choose him as the winner for this round.

In our second landscape test, we check how the camera's sensors handle the details of objects much farther away. The Pixel 2 XL here has the least attractive photo and does not capture as much detail as the other three. The iPhone XS really enhances the blue tone here, which is evident in the sky and the roofs underneath, and also offers the most spectacular photo that is, because it perfectly balances the exposure without losing detail .

[1965924] Press to take a sample of iPhone XS camera

Other Examples: Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 Landscape in the light of day 2 pixels 2 100 CROP camera compared 100 percent crop

The Pixel 3 XL comes in second because it also has a nice color palette, but it tends to crush the blacks in the trees. In addition, he loses some detail on the skyscraper to the left of the frame. The Galaxy Note 9 again has the slightest sound, but it also overexposes parts of the image, such as the sky on the right and the roof of the building in the lower left corner.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Daylight Macro

In our macro test, we check the color accuracy, texture detail, and consistency of the bokeh. The iPhone XS here has the most neural tone, the others having a slightly warmer hue. As a result, the purple shade of flowers appears brighter and more vivid.

Press to obtain a Google Pixel 3 XL life-size camera sample

Other Examples: iPhone XS, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 day macro 2 macro 100 CROP Camera 100 percent cultures

The Pixel 3 XL on the other hand has a slightly better sharpness on the edges of the petals. The Pixel 2 XL is not far behind the Pixel 3 XL in this one. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 refines the flowers a bit, giving it an almost artificial look. We choose the Pixel 3 XL for the most natural shooting.

Our second test is a bit more difficult because it was filmed under direct sunlight. Once again, all phones handle great details because they capture all the wrinkles and pores of the flower and leaves very well. The picture taken with the iPhone XS is the brightest, but the shade of the flower on the leaf is not very defined, unlike the other three.

Press to get a sample of the Google Pixel 3 XL camera in full size

Other Examples: Apple iPhone XS, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 macro daylight macro Comparison between the camera 2 pixels 3 100 CROP 100 percent crop

The orange hue also seems a little shocking compared to others. The Galaxy Note 9 increases once again the sharpness to our taste. The Pixel 2 XL and 3 XL are tied in the lead, followed by the iPhone and then the Note 9.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Landscape dimly lit

We have found that when shooting under abundant natural light, the sensors of all phones do a very good job. for the majority. But what happens at night, when the light is not ideal?

In our first test, we mainly checked if the sensors managed the noise, because our sky was mainly black and very dimly lit. Surprisingly, the iPhone XS has the cleanest image there is, with no visible noise in the sky or shadows, while maintaining good detail on the building. Colors and dynamic range may seem a bit flat compared to other colors, but they best represent the current scene.

Tap to get a sample of the camera from the Apple iPhone XS . ]

Other Excerpts: Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 1 night Samsung 100 Digital Camera 100 percent Harvests ]

The Pixel 2 XL and 3 XL images have slightly noisier images, but the newer model is able to solve the details with a higher level of detail than the 2 XL. It also has the most dramatic shooting, as it accentuates the amber and white glow of streetlights to make the image more alive. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 takes the brightest photo, which allows you to better detail the shadows, but also introduces a lot of noise.

In our second test, we have a better-informed subject that is not very far from us. Here, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is back in force, producing the sharpest image with the least amount of noise. It also has the best white balance. The Pixel 2 XL exaggerates the blues a little here, giving the image a cooler tone, while the iPhone XS tilts a bit on the warmer side. The Pixel 3 XL does a slightly better job with the color temperature of the image, but it remains a bit noisy and not as clean as the Galaxy Note 9.

Press for a complete image. sample for Samsung Galaxy Note 9 camera

Other extracts: Apple iPhone XS, Google Pixel 3 XL, Google Pixel 2 XL

 lowlight landscape pixel 3 100 CROP Camera 100 percent Cultures

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. Apple iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Low Brightness Macro

Turning macros under low light can be difficult, as we have seen previously. with the iPhone XS in our first test. The iPhone really struggles to focus on our subject but has finally succeeded after many tries. However, we are not very happy with the final result as details and colors are poorly represented.

Press to obtain a sample of the Google Pixel 3 XL camera in full size .

Other extracts: Apple iPhone XS, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 Night macro macro macro reframing camera 100 Cropped for comparison

The Pixel 2 XL and Pixel 3 XL models handle almost identical photos, so we had to check the EXIF ​​data when editing to make sure we did not use the same image twice by accident. The dynamics and sharpness are excellent and the colors are easily identifiable. The Galaxy Note 9 also had no difficulty in focusing and produces a brighter image, which allows you to see more detail in the shadows, though with noise.

In our second test, we photographed our subject under better fluorescent lighting. Here, the iPhone XS is quick to lock focus and manages to produce the most neutral color tone. However, looking at a 100% harvest, we noticed that the edges of the petals and leaves are slightly fuzzy and poorly defined. The Pixel 2 XL and 3 XL have a cooler color tone but much sharper edges.

Type to get a sample of the camera from the iPhone XS Apple

Other Examples: Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 photo macro night 2 pixel 3 100 CROP compared cropped for comparison [19659002] The Galaxy Note 9 has the # 39, the brightest image, but dilutes the pink color of the flower. We would choose the iPhone XS to have the most accurate colors, even if it's a bit late on the details.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Back Flash

Although shooting in low light is not a huge challenge for these phones, sometimes you have to use flash back. Here we check the power of each of the rear flashes and, above all, the uniform illumination of our subject when shooting on a well-lit background. In this essay, our subject stood in complete darkness.

Type to obtain a sample of the Google Pixel 2 XL camera in real size

Other samples: Google Pixel 3 XL, iPhone XS, Samsung Galaxy Note 9

 3X pixel flash compared CROP camera Cropped for comparison

The iPhone XS triggers a Flash Sync slowdown that illuminates the subject in a uniform way, while maintaining very good details and natural colors in the background. In fact, the photo example of the iPhone XS has the least noise and the best details in objects placed remotely. The Pixel 2 XL manages a little less noise than the Pixel 3 XL for the background and produces the most spectacular image that can please most. The Pixel 3 XL reproduces more natural skin tones, but the white of our subject's shirt appears off-white compared to the others. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has the most powerful flash and brightens our subject, but does not capture the details in the background.

Using the back flash may not always be the optimal solution, especially if your subject is far away. This is where Google's Night Sight feature might be useful. This will continue soon in the Pixel 3 series as well as in older Pixel models. If you have one of these phones, you can try an overview of this feature now, thanks to XDA-Developers. When loaded laterally, it will appear as a second camera application called "CameraP3", which allows you to access the "Night" shooting mode.

 Comparative of the Comparative Night Camera Sample Camera Shooting with the Google Pixel 3 XL

Rather than leaving the shutter open for four or five seconds, which would make the image totally blurred, Night Sight takes up to 15 frames with a reasonably slow shutter to provide you with effective exposure. about five seconds. We tried it on Pixel 2 XL and Pixel 3 XL, and the results were quite impressive. Depending on the amount of light, it takes about three to four seconds to complete the capture of all images, although this can be improved once the final version is available. Even though it is impossible to remain absolutely still during this time when shooting freehand, the final photo was sharp and very detailed compared to the one taken without Night Sight.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Zoom

We ignored pixel zoom tests during our previous comparisons due to the lack of optical zoom, but Google touting its new Super With Res Zoom, we needed to see how it compares to phones with physical secondary cameras that have dedicated zoom lenses. With ample light at your fingertips, the iPhone XS and Note 9 gladly switch on their respective telephoto sensors.

Tap to capture a sample of the camera from the Apple iPhone XS [19659002] Even though the iPhone XS handles the exposure better , we must badign this trick to the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. It handles smoother color gradients, excellent sharpness and better details. With the iPhone XS, these are the only two that can provide a lot of detail in the trees behind cars. The image of the Pixel 3 XL is not very clear compared to the optical zoom, but it remains better than that of the Pixel 2 XL. However, both Google phones crush the blacks in the shadow of the leaves in the background.

 2x zoom pixel 2 100 CROP cameras comparison 100 percent cultures

But what happens when you press the cursor all the way zoom? The Galaxy Note 9 and the iPhone XS can achieve a higher digital zoom than the pixels. Here, the Note 9 and the iPhone XS have slightly sharper images with better details, especially if you look at the tire. The Pixel 3 XL is not far behind for a phone with only a digital zoom, and it remains quite impressive. The image of the Pixel 2 XL is much softer in comparison.

 zoom max. Samsung 100 CROP camera compare Use full zoom in good lighting (cropped for comparison)


In low light, it's a very different story. Here, the iPhone XS and the Samsung Note 9 do not switch to their telephoto lenses because of their narrower apertures. Therefore, when we use a full digital zoom, the results are not excellent. There is far too much noise in the pictures. The Pixel 3 XL, meanwhile, has the sweetest image and the least noisy, followed closely by the Pixel 2 XL. We do not recommend using low-light digital zoom, but it's nice to see how these phones work when they're pushed to the extreme.

 zoom max. Night pixel 3 100 CROP camera to compare [19659140] Shooting with maximum zoom in low light (cropped for comparison) </em> </p>
<h3> Google Pixel 3 XL against Apple iPhone XS against Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Panorama </h3>
<p>  The four phones do a good job badembling panoramas together. Capturing them is as easy as moving your phone from one end of the frame to the other. Google has finally corrected the panorama mode in its new application, which now enjoys the same ease of use as the Apple and Samsung implementations. You can also get the same experience on the Pixel 2 XL, with the Pixel 3 APK. Except for the Pixel 2 XL, which captures a much darker image, all the others handle very good details and colors. </p>
<p>  <span clbad=  samsung panorama 100 CROP camera compares Comparison of still photos from all phones

Google Pixel 3 XL and Apple iPhone XS vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Portrait Mode

Portrait mode is a popular feature in smartphones today and can give amazing results if done correctly. All phones allow you to adjust the level of blur after taking a picture. The Galaxy Note 9 allows you to adjust it while framing your photo, which is convenient. We will focus more on the quality of the image and the exposure on our subject and the background of this test.

Press to get a sample of the Apple iPhone XS camera life size

Other samples: Google Pixel 3 XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 day of portrait pixel 2 100 Camera CROP 100 percent cultures ]

At our first test, under a natural light, the iPhone XS gains a mile. The colors, the level of sharpness and the skin tones are incomparable compared to the rest. It also manages to detect edge contours. The Pixel 3 XL comes in second place because it also captures good colors, but the details of the face of our subject are not very well defined and it also blurs one of his eyebrows. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has a well lit image, but destroys the sky in the background and some of the strong points of our subjects' faces, which is not a very accurate representation of the complexion of the skin. In comparison, the Pixel 2 XL has the saddest photo, with dull colors and low exposure.

 portrait lowlight samsung 100 CROP camera 100 percent crop

Under artificial lighting, Pixel 3 XL has the best picture among the four, capturing excellent detail and sharpness with good edge detection. The iPhone XS behaves well with the Edge Edition, but ends with a noisy picture with less detail on the face of our subject. The Pixel 2 XL is also a laudable work, but it is confused with the blinds behind our subject, resulting in an inefficient blur. The Galaxy Note 9 has the sweetest image of the lot but manages to blur the edges.

 2 Pixel Portrait Day 100 Camera CROPS 100 percent Cultures

We also tested portrait mode on objects, where the iPhone always struggling to get the correct outlines. Here, the fuzzy parts of the petal of the iPhone XS were not supposed to be and the white color is a little exaggerated. The Pixel 2 XL and 3 XL do an excellent job of detecting contours and offer the best sharpness on this level. The white balance of the Pixel 3 XL is much better than that of the Pixel 2 XL. The Galaxy Note 9 also detects contours well but misses the details.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. Apple iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Selfie

In the selfies filmed during the day, the iPhone XS delivers the most natural result in the world, with the ideal softness for the skin and adequate exposure our hair topics. However, it has the narrowest field of view of the lot. There has been a controversy, also known as "beautygate", about how the front cameras of new iPhones are forcibly softening the skin on your face. Apple has since claimed that it was a bug and that a fix was coming with the iOS 12.1 update

Tap to get a sample of Google Pixel 3 XL camera in full size.

Other excerpt: Apple iPhone XS, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Google Pixel 2 XL

 day selfie pixel 3 100 camera CROPS compared 100% cultures ]

The Pixel 3 XL would be our second choice if you're looking for a more spectacular photo. The higher contrast crushes the blacks a little but the detail is incredible. The Pixel 2 XL also has a similar appearance. The Galaxy Note 9 softens the skin a lot, which removes most of the details. The Pixel 3 XL can also take advantage of its second 8-megapixel wide-angle sensor, which captures a little less detail while still retaining the background in the frame.

 selfie portrait pixel 2 100 comparative CROP camera selfie portrait test (100% crop)

In portrait mode, the iPhone XS made the best work with the edge The pixel detection leaves some gaps around the shoulder while the Galaxy Note 9 gets worse even more. However, the iPhone XS tends to overexpose a little too much the face of our subject, while the Pixel 2 XL and Pixel 3 XL present a better balance. With the exception of Galaxy Note 9, all other phones also allow you to adjust the level of blur in selfies.

 selfie lowlight pixel 2 100 comparative CROP camera Cropped for comparison

We tried some selfies indoors, under dim lighting and set flashes of all phones on Auto. Here, the Pixel 3 XL handles the most detailed selfie and attempts to correct the color of the orange light of the chandelier above. The Pixel 2 XL image more accurately represents the actual lighting and has a level of detail similar to that of the Pixel 3 XL. The Galaxy Note 9 has a much softer overall image and the reddish hue is not very nice. The iPhone XS has a relatively dull image, with less detail, but it manages to keep the color tone neutral.

Type to obtain a sample of the Google Pixel 2 XL camera in full size

Other samples: ] Google Pixel 3 XL (Normal, Large), Apple XS iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Note 9

When shooting with extremely low light, we wanted to see how powerful the flash of the screen is powerful when the frame is filled with many people. The iPhone XS has the weakest flash and we managed to squeeze everyone in the frame. With the Pixel 3 XL, we ended up having a reddish glow on our faces, but it's still not powerful enough to brighten everyone's face. You can use the wide angle on the Pixel 3 XL but do not expect the flash to be brighter. The Samsung certainly has the most brilliant flash screen, but the results are not very satisfactory.

Suppose the lesson we learned here is that if you want to take a picture of yourself and your friends in unfavorable light, have it taken by another person. for you.

Google Pixel 3 XL vs. Apple iPhone XS vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Video Recording

All phones tested are compatible with 4K video recording, with the iPhone XS and the Galaxy Note 9 capable of recording 4K videos at 60 fps. The Galaxy Note 9 has a limit of 10 minutes for shooting at 4K 30 frames per second, while others do not really. All subjects also become very hot when shooting at this resolution.

In the light of day, the iPhone XS does a fantastic job with details and the colors of the video perfectly match what you actually see. The audio quality is also good. Le Samsung Galaxy Note 9 arrive en seconde position, offrant la meilleure séparation audio avec des détails et des couleurs identiques. Le Pixel 3 XL avait également une bonne stabilisation, mais nous avons constaté une modification de la balance des blancs lors de ce test: il est pbadé progressivement du neutre au chaud. Le son n&#39;est pas très bon non plus car notre voix résonne comme si elle venait de loin, un problème auquel beaucoup d&#39;autres sont également confrontés. Le Pixel 2 XL présentait également un problème similaire lors de son lancement, mais ce problème a été résolu ultérieurement via une mise à jour logicielle. Nous espérons donc qu&#39;il sera facilement réparable sur le Pixel 3 XL également. Le Pixel 2 XL gère également une très bonne qualité vidéo et n’a pas l’audio du Pixel 3 XL.

Cependant, c&#39;est dans notre test 4K à faible luminosité que l&#39;iPhone XS parvient réellement à se dégourdir les jambes. Avec un peu de bruit et un léger effet chatoyant dû à la stabilisation, l&#39;iPhone XS parvient toujours à fournir la meilleure qualité vidéo du lot. La note 9 arrive en seconde position en ce qui concerne la qualité de l’image, mais la vidéo a l’air très «agitée» et pas du tout agréable. Le Pixel 3 XL gère badez bien le bruit, mais le métrage qui en résulte est trop mou et a l’air flou. La qualité d&#39;image du Pixel 2 XL est la pire qui soit, avec beaucoup de bruit de chrominance dans la vidéo.

Comme la plupart des gens filmeraient probablement en 1080p, nous avons également testé cette résolution sur tous les téléphones. Ici, tous les téléphones font un excellent travail avec des détails et une stabilisation. L&#39;iPhone XS et le Pixel 3 XL ont les couleurs les plus naturelles, tandis que le Note 9 et le Pixel 2 XL ont tendance à virer un peu plus vers le côté plus chaud. Nous n&#39;avons rencontré aucun problème de chbade ciblée dans aucun des téléphones. La nuit, l&#39;iPhone XS et le Pixel 3 XL sont badez proches en termes de qualité d&#39;image et de performances de stabilisation. Toutefois, le problème audio du Pixel 3 XL donne à l&#39;iPhone XS une longueur d&#39;avance. Le Galaxy Note 9 offre également une qualité d&#39;image correcte, mais le métrage est encore une fois nerveux. Le Pixel 2 XL supprime badez bien le bruit de chrominance à cette résolution, mais le métrage résultant est souple et peu détaillé.

Tous les téléphones peuvent également faire de la vidéo au ralenti à 240 images par seconde. La résolution des pixels est toujours limitée à 720p alors que les autres peuvent faire de même en 1080p. Le Galaxy Note 9 a un atout dans la manche puisqu&#39;il parvient à enregistrer de petites séquences vidéo à 960 images par seconde.

Le Google Pixel 3 XL est peut-être le meilleur appareil photo pour smartphone de Google jusqu&#39;à ce jour, mais ce n&#39;est certainement pas un gagnant parmi la concurrence. Les iPhones ont toujours été très bons avec la vidéo, mais si vous avez déjà comparé nos appareils photo précédents, ils ont souvent fait pâlir la comparaison avec les téléphones Android en ce qui concerne les images fixes. Maintenant, tout cela change avec l&#39;iPhone XS.

Apple a finalement réussi à construire un appareil photo suffisamment puissant pour fonctionner en parfaite harmonie avec les meilleurs téléphones Android pour la photographie immobile. propre jeu. La nouvelle fonction Smart HDR du téléphone est clairement gagnante dans la mesure où elle équilibre parfaitement les couleurs, les détails et l&#39;exposition. Sans surprise, il continue également à porter le flambeau pour être le meilleur appareil pour l&#39;enregistrement vidéo. Ce n&#39;est pas parfait, car nous pouvions toujours utiliser un meilleur appareil photo selfie et nous le trouvions également en retard dans les détails, avec des portraits peu éclairés.

Le Pixel 3 XL n&#39;est pas loin derrière l&#39;iPhone XS. C’était une seconde dans de nombreux tests et nous avons réussi à nous démarquer dans les difficiles macros que nous avons tournées, nous l’avons toujours dans les portraits et les selfies dans des conditions de faible éclairage, et le Super Res Zoom fait des merveilles dans des conditions de faible éclairage, par rapport au zoom numérique standard sur les autres. La seconde caméra selfie grand angle est également très pratique lorsque vous souhaitez que davantage d’amis se fbadent dans la photo ou que vous souhaitiez simplement capturer davantage d’arrière-plan. D&#39;après ce que nous avons vu, Night Sight semble également très prometteur. Vous n&#39;aurez plus jamais besoin d&#39;utiliser le flash pour les prises de vue peu éclairées.

Le Samsung Galaxy Note 9 est le plus abordable des modèles actuels- génération phare et il a son lot d’atouts tels que l’excellente clarté et la netteté avec zoom optique au cours de la journée et fournit également certaines des images les plus propres en bbade lumière.

Le Pixel 2 XL pourrait bien avoir un an maintenant, mais il reste pas en reste. La qualité des vidéos tournées au cours de la journée était comparable à celle du Pixel 3 XL et le même niveau de détail était également appliqué aux macros. C&#39;est toujours l&#39;un des meilleurs téléphones pour prendre des photos de selfies. De plus, il est également compatible avec l&#39;application Appareil photo de Pixel 3, ce qui vous donne une disposition plus nette pour travailler. Cela vaut vraiment la peine d’envisager son nouveau prix de vente de Rs. 45 499, si cela ne vous dérange pas de vivre avec cet écran.

In the end, it&#39;s a close fight between the Pixel 3 XL and the iPhone XS but looking at all-round performance for both stills and video, the iPhone XS is definitely the smartphone camera to beat.



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